Page 3 of Texas

“I only told him I was dating someone because… well, he was annoying me.”

“Did he ask you out?”

“Dad, no. He’s not into me—”

“Are you into him? I remember back in the day you were. Are you still holdin’ a candle for the guy?”

“No. I’m not for him or anyone. Besides, work takes up all of my time at the moment.” He didn’t look convinced. “Seriously, there’s nothing and never will be anything between Texas and me. You have nothing to worry about.” I gripped his arm and gave it a squeeze. “I really should go, though. I need to get some sleep before my next shift.”

He studied me for a beat longer and then nodded. “I’ll see you at home.”


Some days, I still couldn’t believe I lived with my parents, but then I knew moving out would be more of a hassle than I needed right now. Only the need to get out soon was growing. I wanted to see what it would be like to have a life without my parents breathing down my neck. Not that I didn’t love them for caring. Sometimes it was a little overbearing.

“Yeah, I’ll see you there.” Reaching up, I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek before I made my way out of the compound. Once outside, that anger from before twisted inside of me again. Taking out my phone, I pulled up my contacts and was about to press in Texas’s number to shoot off an aggressive text but stopped.

It wouldn’t be worth it.

There was also a chance that if I gave Texas more of my time, even with texting, my feelings for the man could sprout and grow once again. I couldn’t let that happen. Years ago, I’d beaten them to a pulp and shoved them way down into the pit of my stomach. They weren’t to surface again.

I was older now, somewhat wiser, and I knew Texas wasn’t for me.

So no, I wouldn’t text him and spiral down that hole again.

There was someone out there for me. I just had to find him.

After I’d found my own place where I could bring someone home without having my dad standing over whoever it was, ready to rip out his throat if he said or did something wrong.

Yes, it would be best to wait.

Unlesssomeone caught my attention beforehand. Someone I could laugh with. Someone I could trust and know they were genuinely interested in me.

By the time I got home, Mum was standing in the kitchen in her dressing gown, sipping a cup of coffee.

She smiled warmly. “You were out early.”

“Had to help Dad with something.” I moved over to give her a hug.

She cupped my cheek when I pulled back. “You look tired, sweetie.”

A yawn overtook me, and she laughed. Nodding, I grabbed a granola bar. “I am. I’m going to head to bed. Get a nap in before my evening shift. Leave a note if you’re not around when I wake and let me know if you need me to do anything.”

Mum shook her head. “You already do enough. Drake and Ruby could do more around here. Which reminds me, I need to wake them up for school. Have a good sleep, sweetie.”

“Thanks, Mum. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Her lips thinned, but she forced a tight smile and nodded. Mum hated the long and different hours I did, but it came with the job. A job I enjoyed because I could help people in need. Not all of the calls had good endings, but so far, I’d managed to learn to deal with the bad situations. Though, from what I’d been told from my colleagues, apparently what I’d seen to date was mild compared to some of the nightmare ones.

Finishing the granola bar, I walked into my bedroom and threw the wrapper on the top of my dresser drawers. I grabbed some clean pyjamas and went into the bathroom, which thankfully was adjoined to my room or else I’d have to fight Drake and Ruby for usage time.

Turning on the shower, I stripped out of my clothes and adjusted the water before stepping under the spray. As soon as I closed my eyes, my mind took me to Texas. The image of when I’d seen him on the couch with blood coating him was stuck in my head, causing my heart to drop, like it did at the house.

The thought of Texas hurt gripped my stomach violently once more. Only I wasn’t supposed to care. I wasn’t supposed to worry if I’d left him too soon.

Sighing, I shook my head, picked up the shampoo, and pushed thoughts of him from my mind.


Lila Rose's Novels