Page 43 of Texas

Glancing at the ground, I thought of him, and like always lately, it brought a smile to my face.

I wouldn’t lie. It was time to admit, even to myself, that my crush grew wings and had taken off in flight.

Did Texas mean a lot to me? Yes, he definitely did. I wasn’t sure if I could live with only a friendship, but I really wanted to try. I wanted to keep Texas around. I’d definitely messed up when I’d dodged him instead of getting to know him.

“Yeah, he does.”

A slow, soft smile grew on Swan’s lips. “Good.”

A small laugh left me. “Why?”

“Don’t you think it’s strange that since what happened to you, Texas has been dropping by your house all the time?”

I pulled back, a little surprised we were talking about this. “Well, I mean, he’s new to living in Ballarat. With Dad being president, of course he’ll want to see him. Also, Cody’s always busy with Channa. And with Ruin in Melbourne, he’s not really close to the other brothers his age yet. I guess he’s after someone new to hang out with.”

She smirked. “I can see you’ve already thought about it.”

I snorted. “Of course I have.”

“Okay then, think about this; he doesn’t need friends his own age because when you’re in the club,allthe brothers are his friends and family. He’s close with all of them, no matter the age. Does he even see Talon when he’s over?”

I had to think about it for a moment. “Dad’s busy. He’s not always around.”

“Yet Texas knows when you’re at home.”

“He… asks.” I hadn’t pondered on that fact, not wanting to grab hold of how sweet his visiting was. Now that it was voiced and pretty much spelled out for me, could it be true? Did I dare imagine his visits were just for me? Just toseeme.

“Maya.” Her hands tightened around mine once again. “Dad was there that night.”

I stilled. “I… I know.” I remembered looking out over the group. My gaze had even flicked over Texas. But why was she bringing this up now?

“I overheard him talking to Mum about something that he saw.”

“What?” I whispered.

“The way Texas reacted.”

“Sorry?” I asked quickly, wanting to understand, wanting her to get to the point.

“Maya.” Her tone was soft and knowing. “Texas lost it. Dad had never seen him like that. At the scene, he wanted to get to you. Wanted to help you. He shut down when… when everyone thought they lost you.”

An invisible force wrapped around my chest and pressed. “What?” I breathed.

Swan nodded. “He’d been on his knees when Dad got him to his feet and on his ride to follow to the hospital. But when they were there, he… Texas didn’t go inside. Dad said he could see how scared he was about the news, even knowing you were already breathing. Dad thinks he was worried something else would happen.”

I could feel Swan’s gaze on me, her hands on mine, but as I stared at the ground, all that was in my mind were her words and the pictures it conjured.

But then she continued softly, “Dad said Texas was in a state of anguish. Texas had gone to call Dodge, but Dad heard him choke on the words. He took the phone from Texas and told Dodge what happened. Maya, do you understand where I’m going with telling you this?”

It couldn’t be true.

Not after all this time.

No. He still saw me as his friend’s sister.

It couldn’t. But….


Lila Rose's Novels