Page 51 of Texas

I threw out a hand. “So? He’s always called me something.”

Drake groaned and turned to us. “Tell me you’re not that dense? Anyone can see what’s right in front of you. Shit, Texas is here all the time, and it’s not to see Dad. Them talkin’ was bound to happen.”

“Drake, don’t be an ass about it,” Ruby snapped.

Staring at the floor, I gripped the counter behind me, my knees suddenly feeling weak. Drake was right. I was being dense. I’d even managed to push Swan’s words to the back of my mind. Every time they tried to pop back up, I forced myself to think of something else.

I had to. If I didn’t, I’d be a nervous wreck, knowing there was a high chance Texaslikedme.

Somehow, I’d managed to text normally after what Swan had said. I’d wanted to make sure to keep our new friendship in case she was wrong. It was why I invited him over after getting back. Besides the fact that I missed him, I needed to figure out how to act around him. If I hadn’t organised to see him straight away, my overthinking would have made everything too awkward.

But then he’d gone and hugged me. And not just any friendly hug. The hug was tight and strong, possessive… as if I’d been gone for a year and not two weeks. If it hadn’t been for the way I’d lost my ability to think, I would have been calmer. I wouldn’t have thought of Swan’s words. I wouldn’t have let hope blossom.

“Swan—” I cleared my throat. “—told me what her dad saw that night when I…. She told me how Texas acted,” I said softly to the floor.

Mum took my hand in hers, and I looked into her heartfelt gaze. “I saw him at the hospital, sweetheart. You’ve guarded your heart for so long against him, knowing he was blind to you.Nowhe sees you. His eyes are wide open, and now it’s up to you if you want to take the chance on him.”

My already racing pulse kicked up to another speed.

“I… I….” I wanted to dive headfirst into something with Texas. I did. But I couldn’t ignore the doubt whispering through my mind.

He doesn’t really want you.

He’s just being nice.

People are reading into something that’s not there.

He’ll see someone else and drop you.

He’s not looking for his forever.

He’ll break your heart.

Mum squeezed my hand. “You don’t have to make a decision now. There’s no need to rush.”

Nodding, I released Mum’s hand and went to the refrigerator. “Um, do you want the dressings out for the salad?”

“Sure, sweetie.”

I heard Ruby and Drake muttering back and forth. I was worried Drake would say something in front of Texas, but I knew Ruby would have my back. Honestly, I feared for my own reactions when Texas returned, but more than that, I wondered what they were talking about in that room.

Was it really about work or was it something else?

Could it really be because Texas had called me “babe” in front of Dad? I was sure Texas had used endearments on me before in front of him. I was used to hearing “baby” or “babe” from Texas, so I didn’t take notice of who he said it in front of.

Then again, why would Dad care? He’d used “babe” or “darlin’” for other women. They really didn’t mean anything. Not that I needed to worry about this. It wasn’t like Texas was in there confessing his feelings for me to my father.

That was, if he does—

All right, I was 80 percent sure Texas liked me. The clues kept piling up.

But dear God, the thought of it, of knowing, drove my mind and body into a tailspin.

I didn’t know if I wanted to vomit or sit on the toilet for the next half hour, crapping myself, since my body was in that much of a state.

Texas was into me.

After all these years.

Lila Rose's Novels