Page 61 of Texas

“Moreen,” I whispered.

“Come hug me and go see your beau.”

“He’s not my beau.”

“Yet,” Mum added.

“I…. Okay, maybe yet.”

They both beamed.

“Come here, girl.” Moreen opened her arms. I walked over and into them and they wrapped around me, like mine did her. “Be happy.”

“I will.”

“Good. Now go to your beau. I’m sure he can put a bigger smile on your face.”

Mum giggled off to the side.

“I can’t go see him. We’re not dating, and it’s not like he’s asked me over.”

“Pish-posh. You don’t need an invite. If the boy’s into you, he’ll be thrilled to see you rock up without an invite.”

“He’s into her,” Mum supplied. “Big time.”

“Mum,” I cried with a groan.

“What? He is.”

“Yes, but knowing it freaks me out, and I’ll just get nervous.”

Moreen nodded. “That’s good. Tells me he means a lot to you. I’m sure he feels the same way.”

I scoffed. “He’s always cool, calm, and collected.”

“Whatever he is, I’m sure he’d love a drop-by from you,” Moreen said again.

Thinning my lips, I glanced to the side and scratched my cheek. Could she be right? Would Texas like me to just stop by? “I don’t know. He could still be working.”

“What’s he do?” Moreen asked.

“He’s a tattooist.”

“Ooh-wee, he already sounds hot. You got a photo to show me?”

I did. Texas and I sometimes sent photos in Snapchat, and I may have had them saved.

Taking out my phone, I unlocked it and brought one up before I turned the screen her way.

“Oh Lord.” She clutched at her chest. “He is so hot, it’s a sin.” She snatched the phone from my hand and brought it closer to her face. “Those tats, that body, those eyes, that mouth, that goatee and ’stash. Even the bling he wears suits him. You snap him up, Maya Marcus.”

Laughing, I shrugged. “I’ll see.”

Moreen snorted and met Mum’s gaze. “Tell your girl to get out of here.”

“Sweetie, do you want to see Texas?”

“Texas—did I mention his name is fine as well?” Moreen asked.

Lila Rose's Novels