Page 68 of Texas

“Some people aren’t bothered by the pain,” Texas told me.

“Wow” was all I could say, which they found humorous.

Texas sent Hex a two-finger wave. “We’ll leave you to it.”

“You got it. Have a good night.”

From the way he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, my face heated. It wasn’t like Texas and I would get up to something scandalous. We could, and I’d like to. Instead, we were eating dinner together. A lot of people did it.

“Bye.” I waved.

Texas closed the door and, with my hand still in his, led me into the reception area where Mon was sitting behind the desk, scrolling through things on the computer.

“Texas, I found the pieces of jewellery for the display cabinet.”

“Great, order them. You know my details.”

She nodded and turned her eyes to me, though I didn’t miss when she briefly looked at our joined hands. “Maya, did he bore you with his work?”

“Not at all. It was fascinating.”

“Good to hear. Hey, you should come in when I start up piercing. You’d look sexy with a nose ring.”

My whole body warmed. “I don’t know.”

“What do you think, Texas? She’d look hot with one, right?”

Texas glared at Mon, but he still said, “She looks hot no matter what she does.”

My mouth dropped open, and I stared up at Texas.

He just… he admitted… he thought I was hot.

I wasn’t stupid. It was just taking me time to let the knowledge sink in that Texas liked me, but to hear him say something like that was like a bomb going off in my brain.

I snapped my mouth closed and looked away from Texas when I heard Mon’s soft laugh. She winked at me before spinning back to the screen. “Anyway, I better get back to work. The boss is a dick.”

“The boss can fire you for callin’ him a dick,” Texas grumbled as he pulled me along to walk around the desk and towards the front door.

“The boss would never do that because he loves me so much.”

Texas snorted. “Like a hole in the head. Later, Mon.”

“Bye, boss. See ya, Maya. Loved meeting you.”

“You too,” I managed to get out before the door closed. Texas took us to the house that joined the shop. “I still can’t believe you live here,” I said with a laugh, remembering when he told me about it on one of the many calls.

“Told you, it’s all about luck.” He let go of my hand to search his pockets for his keys.

“And at least there’s no travel time for work.”

“Exactly.” He unlocked the front door, swung it open, and held his arm out.

I stepped through and waited off to the side for him to enter and close the door. My pulse picked up when he took my hand again as we made our way down the hall. Along the way, he explained each room. I had a glimpse into his and saw a queen-sized bed. One that was made.

At the end of the hall, we stepped into the open area for the kitchen, dining, and living area. I dropped his hand to turn in circles and take everything in.

“This house is huge.” The rooms I’d looked in along the way were also big, but it was the living area that was spaced out perfectly. It held enough room for kids to run around while chasing chaos.

Lila Rose's Novels