Page 22 of Maid

“I…I love you too, Alden.”

We kissed again and I could barely stop myself from smiling.

She’s mine now.

I don’t know how long we kissed, and I could have kept going for days, but it occurred to me that if we were going to go to bed together, we might want to clean up first, so I sat up and looked down at her gorgeous body. She was glowing like a goddess.

“Why don’t we take a shower and go to bed?” I suggested.

Belle arched her back and extended a hand like I was going to put a ring on it. “The billionaire and the maid getting dirty in the shower?”

“Sounds like a porno,” I chuckled.

“Or a romance novel,” she countered.

I took her hand and led her towards the attached bathroom, but just as I was turning on the water, the buzzer blared again.

I groaned. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“Another emergency?” Belle asked.

“Let’s hope not,” I growled as I thumbed the buzzer next to me. “What?”

Wagner’s voice told me all I needed to know. It was a big problem.

“Need you downstairs.”

“Be right there,” I told him. I turned to my beautiful Belle, who was trying her best to hide the disappointment in her face. “I’m sorry, baby. This should just take a second,” I said as I kissed her.

I hope…

Chapter Eleven


Another emergency? I thought as I stepped into the shower alone. What does that mean?

For a man as powerful and wealthy as Alden, with as many businesses as he surely owned, it could be anything. But would he really have to deal with them personally at this hour of the night?

But then again, what did I know about being a CEO? I’d had late-night issues with my own business—when I had my business—so it wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities; it was just strange that he was keeping it a secret from me.

“Don’t think like that, Belle,” I told myself as I reached for the loofah and spread some of Alden’s body wash over it. I recognized the smell instantly and smiled as I began to wash myself.

“It’s probably something just too complicated and he doesn’t want to bore you with it.”

That was it. It was CEO, big-business stuff—probably related to China or something overseas—and he didn’t want to bore me with the details. What else could it be?

What if he’s hiding something…?

I shook the thought from my mind. What was I doing? I’d just fallen hard for the man of my dreams and let him come inside me and now I was going to doubt him?

No, I thought. I’m not going to let myself do that.

Alden’s shower was amazing, like something fit for a king, but just as I was lathering up, I heard screaming from the bedroom.

“Where is she?” a woman’s voice shrieked. “I’ll fucking kill her!”

My heart instantly went into overdrive. There was no doubt in my mind that her meant me, and my fight-or-flight instincts kicked in immediately.