She turns to look at me in her bra and panties. She’s stepping into her pants. “Tank, why not? I’m going to need to meet your friends sooner or later.”

I gruffly respond, “Yeah, but not when they have the image of you in your tight-ass shorts and a bra still burned into their head. I’d hate to have to kill one of them.”

She pulls a shirt over her head, hiding her precious tits from me. Damn, I’m hooked already. She walks toward me and pats me on the chest. “I’ll make enough for all four of us.”

She goes on her tiptoes and kisses me before walking past. I turn around to follow her. “Wait, I didn’t agree...”

She laughs before I finish. “Give me thirty minutes.”

I shake my head and mutter, “Well, fuck me.”

She pokes her head back through the door with a big smile. “We’ll do that later.” With a wink and a laugh, she disappears again.