I can’t hide my surprise. “Photography?”

She nods. “Yep, that’s my passion. That’s what I want to do, but I knew I needed to be more responsible, so that’s why I focused on business.”

I rest my chin on the top of her head. There are so many things going through my head right now. For most of my life, my only concern has been Cassie. Until I joined the Diamond Kings and found my brothers. Then I made my circle bigger and included them. Mostly because I knew if anything ever happened to me, they would take care of Cassie too, no questions asked. Now it seems that my future is getting bigger than I’ve ever let myself dream. And it’s all because of Ava. She’s making it seem that anything and everything I’ve ever wanted is possible.

“Is all your stuff in your dorm?”

She nods against my chest. “Yep, everything. Even all my camera equipment. I hated leaving it, but at the time, I didn’t think I had a choice.”

I stroke her hair soothingly before giving it a gentle tug so she’ll look up at me. “You trust me?”

She rolls her eyes. “It would be stupid of me not to at this point.”

I bark a laugh. “You’re right about that. Okay, I’m going to take care of it.”

I release her and start walking down the hall with her following on my heels. “What are you doing?”

I go to the room she’s been staying in and start grabbing her clothes out of the closet. “Well, first, I’m moving you into my bedroom.”

My next thought is I’m going to have Mav and Glock take a trip to Nashville, but I’m not going to mention that. Not yet.

She follows me out of the room and watches as I lay her clothes on my now made bed. I walk over to the closet and start moving clothes around to make space for hers. She’s standing next to me. “Tank, this is fast... are you sure you wanna...”

I stop and look at her. “What? Keep you forever? Yeah, honey. I’m sure.”

And when her face blooms with a breathtaking smile, I know I’m making the right decision. She jumps up and down, kisses me, and then goes back down the hall to grab more things. I try to focus on the task at hand, but my mind starts to wander to what I know is coming up. Her ex, Beau, and his family are not going to give up, but there’s no way I can let them win. Not now.