She can’t even get it all out. I nod. “Yeah, honey.”

She nods and wipes at her eyes. “I want to see him.”

“You don’t have to. You know that, right?”

She nods. “I know, but I need to.”

I put my hand on her shoulder. “Inside is Glock and Maverick and I’ll be with you the whole time.”

She nods her head. “Okay. I know you won’t leave me, Tank.”

I kiss her forehead. “You got that right.”

I hold her under my arm and knock on the door. Mav opens it and stands back for us to go in. I take her down the hall of the barn, to the last stall. Beau has chains around his hands, and he’s hanging from the rafters. As soon as he sees Ava, his face contorts. “You bitch.”

Ava flinches as I take the shovel standing up by the wall and beat him across the chest with it. He gasps and cries out. I stand in front of him, wanting nothing more than to end him right now. Hell, he doesn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as her. “Shut up, I don’t want to hear another word from you. Ava’s going to do the talking from here on out.”

She walks up to him, and her nose is flaring. I’m so proud of Ava. She doesn’t look scared at all, and I hope she knows she doesn’t need to be. There’s no way any of us will let that monster touch her.

Ava’s voice is calm when she starts. “You hurt me, Beau. I trusted you, and you violated that trust. You tried to make me think I deserved it when you hit me, cussed me, and called me names. But I got away. I was able to get away. Now you’ll never hurt another woman ever again.”

The whole time she talks, Ava’s hands are fisted at her sides. She rears back to hit him, and I grab on to her arm to stop her. She looks up at me with frustration. “Tank...”

I shake my head. “Honey, you can’t have your thumb inside your fist. You’ll break it.”

I show her how to hold her hand, and she mimics me. “Is this right?”

I nod. “That’s perfect.”

I let her go and stand to the side. Glock comes up behind him and holds Beau’s legs. He peeks around. “Go ahead, Ava. I got him.”

Under other circumstances, I would laugh. She’s got every one of these hard-ass bikers wrapped around her finger. She rears back and punches Beau right in the gut. He grunts, but at least he doesn’t say a word.

I stand next to Ava. “Anything else you want to say?”

She shakes her head, not even looking at Beau. “What are you going to do with him?”

I think she knows the answer to that already, but I answer her anyway. “I can’t let him leave here, Ava. He’ll never hurt you or another woman... ever.”

Her eyes widen, and I ready myself for an argument, but she doesn’t give me one. She merely nods her head. “Okay... You need me to do anything?”

Fuck, this girl has me all torn up inside. I shake my head. “No, honey. Thank you though.” I turn to Maverick, who’s still standing by the door. “Hey, can you take Ava outside? I’ll be out in a minute.”

Ava puts her hand on my chest. “I know you’re doing this for me. I’m sorry that you have to, but well, I just want you to know I love you... and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

I lean down and look at her. “I try to be a good man, Ava, but you make me want me to be better. This part of the job is not something I usually enjoy, but I’d be lying if I told you that I am not going to enjoy this.”

She kisses me and whispers, “You’re the best man, Tank.” She pats me on the chest. “I’ll be right outside.”

I watch her go. There’s a part of me that wants to draw this out and make him feel the pain. The other part of me wants it to be over with because my girl is waiting outside for me. I look at Glock. “Put down the plastic. We’re going to make this quick.”