Blakely squeezed my fingers tightly with her own. The Valentine’s party at the shelter had been her idea. After she met some of the kids and women during the holiday party, she said we ought to find other events to celebrate throughout the year. She was the one who’d sweet-talked vendors out of extra inventory they’d planned on liquidating. The kids were going to lose it when they saw what kind of stuff we were bringing in for them.

As I exited the highway, the first strains of my personal anthem played over the airwaves. Blakely looked over at me, her eyes softening at the edges. It had taken a while for me to open up to her about why that particular song was so important to me. I hadn’t heard it for a couple of months. Not since the night I played it for her, then told her everything about my past.

I’d been so afraid of opening that part of me up to anyone. Admitting where I’d come from meant feeling vulnerable and I wasn’t a guy who liked to lay down his armor and open himself up to getting hurt.

I should have known better than to worry about her reaction. Despite growing up under very different circumstances, Blakely said she loved me even more because of what I’d been through.

“Do you still feel like this is your song?” She leaned close enough to bump her shoulder against mine.

Dave Grohl’s voice rumbled over the lyrics. I couldn’t begin to imagine how many times I’d growled them out at the top of my lungs as I picked myself up and forced myself to keep going despite the shit life kept dumping on me.

This song was part of me, just as integral to my life as the air I breathed. As I listened to the lyrics, I realized the meaning had changed since I’d found Blakely. I no longer needed to find inspiration to keep putting one foot in front of the other through a song. My reason for living, my reason for everything, centered on the woman by my side.

“I think you’re my song now.”

Her cheeks flushed. “You sure do say the nicest things.”

“It’s because you deserve them.” I lifted her hand to my mouth and pressed kisses along her arm.

“Hey, keep your eyes on the road. We’ll have plenty of time for that later.”

“There’s never enough time for that, sweetheart.” Since she’d left her job right before the holidays, we’d spent every waking moment working on ideas for our store. Construction on the interior would be done next week, and we’d be able to start moving in fixtures. I’d never complain about us having a chance to make our joint dream come true, but damn, being self-employed sure cut into our time between the sheets.

“If you weren’t so insatiable…” her voice trailed off.

A loud laugh rumbled from my belly. “If you didn’t taste so good…”

“Do you think it will always be this good between us?” Her voice came out soft, like she wasn’t sure how I’d answer.

“No, baby.” I shifted my gaze from the road to look over at her. She’d always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me. “I think it’s only going to get better and better.”

I pulled over to park right in front of the shelter. A few volunteers had been waiting for us and came out to help haul in the goodies for the kids. Blakely thought she was going to surprise the women and kids who made the shelter their home. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she figured out she was the one who’d be caught off guard today.

We walked into the shelter hand in hand. I’d asked Blakely’s roommate to get there ahead of us. She’d been working with the kids who wanted to be part of the surprise all week. As I led Blakely through the doors, thousands of tiny bubbles filled the air.

“What’s this?” Blakely looked up at where a handful of kids were blowing bubbles from the second floor.

“This is all for you.” I held onto her hand and dropped to a knee. “We’ve been so busy making plans for the future, I haven’t had a chance to whisk you away somewhere romantic. But when I thought about what you’d like best, what kind of gesture would speak to your soul, I realized I didn’t need to look very far for a place that would be the perfect location for what I’m about to ask you.”

“Kellan…” She bit her bottom lip.

“We wouldn’t have met if it hadn’t been for this place. As much as I hated the fact Dom and I had to stay in a shelter like this while we were growing up, things wouldn’t have turned out so well for us if we hadn’t.” I reached into the front pocket of my jeans and pulled out a small box. “If I hadn’t stayed here, I wouldn’t have met you.”

Blakely cupped my cheek with her palm.

“If we hadn’t met, I wouldn’t be able to ask you a question I never thought I’d be in a position to ask.” I held her gaze steady with mine. “Blakely, will you marry me?”

“Yes!” She tugged me to my feet and threw her arms around my neck.

“Don’t you want to look inside the box?”

“I don’t care what’s in the box. It could be a bread tie. I’m not marrying you so I can get a ring. I want to marry you because you bring out the best in me. Because when I’m with you, I feel twenty times stronger than I ever have alone. You’re meant for me, Kellan.”

Unshed tears pooled in her lower lids. I swiped my thumb along her cheek, then leaned close and slanted my mouth over hers.

The younger kids cheered and the older ones hooted as I claimed my woman’s mouth with mine. It had taken us a long time to find each other, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Every low spot in my life had led me to her. I’d do it all again a thousand times over if it meant being able to hold Blakely in my arms.

“I love you, Blakely.”

“Love you too,” she mumbled against my mouth.

“Oh, and in case I forget to tell you seventy-five years from now, thank you.” I nudged my nose into her hair, inhaling her scent and trying to commit everything about this moment to my memory.

“Thanks for what?” She pulled back and searched my face.

“For making me feel like the luckiest man in the world every day of our lives.”

Her forehead rested against my chin and she took in a slow, deep breath. “You sure do say the nicest things, Kellan.”

“I guess you’d better get used to it, then.” Before she could respond, I wrapped her in my arms and dipped her low. While bubbles floated down around us, I kissed my soon-to-be-wife, my soulmate, the woman who’d made me whole.

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