“Thanks.” My cheeks flushed at the compliment. “I played softball in middle school.”

“That explains it.” He disappeared into the bathroom while I went to the kitchen to grab a couple of pain pills and a glass of water. The clock on the microwave showed it was half-past two in the morning. Where was the guy going to get a hotel room at this hour?

He entered the kitchen, the red Santa suit replaced by a pair of gray sweats and a t-shirt. I handed him the pills and water. My stomach churned as his Adam’s apple bobbed while he swallowed.

“Thanks. Sorry again about the mix-up.” He didn’t exactly smile, but he wasn’t frowning either.

“Why don’t you just stay tonight?” I offered. My offer was so out of character, I surprised myself. But I was partially responsible for what happened. If I’d read my texts, I would have known he wasn’t breaking in. I still would have been mad as hell at my roomie for offering up her bedroom to a random guy, but at least I wouldn’t have attacked him.

“I don’t want to cause any problems.” He turned toward the door.

“It’s not a problem at all. I’ve got an early meeting, so I’ll be long gone before you even get up tomorrow. You can sleep in, then maybe find somewhere else to spend the rest of the weekend.”

“You sure?”

I ignored the attraction simmering low in my belly. It was one night. I probably wouldn’t even see him again since I’d be up at the butt crack of dawn. If he took off with anything, Gloria could afford to replace it. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Alright then. I’m going to take a quick shower and head to bed. Thanks, Blakely.” The smile he gave me felt several degrees warmer than the one he’d attempted earlier.

“You’re welcome.” I waited until he left the kitchen before I let out the nervous breath I’d been holding. The man was H-O-T with a capital H. Gloria had been holding out on me about her boyfriend’s brother. Not that it mattered. I’d never have the confidence to make a play for a man who looked like he could be on the cover of a men’s fitness magazine.

I made my way back to my bedroom, trying to ignore the hollow ache pulsing between my thighs. Mr. Mittens tried to follow me in, but I blocked him.

“Sorry, bud.” There was something I needed to take care of. Something brought on by the unexpected overnight guest in a red Santa suit who was currently soaping himself up in the shower.



The smell of coffee pulled me from a deep sleep. I tried to hold on to the dream I’d been having. There was a curvy brunette dressed up like a candy cane. Her ruby red lips split into a wide smile, then she beat me over the head with a giant peppermint stick.

The bump on the back of my head throbbed. I remembered where I was in an instant—the condo of the wild woman who’d attacked me. Last night, sweaty, tired, and in desperate need of a shower, I’d been more than happy to take her up on her offer of a place to stay.

But now, under the stark light of day, I regretted my decision. I’d barely slept at all thanks to the cranky cat. It sat outside my door, scratching and meowing until I got up to let it in. That’s when I heard the noises coming from Blakely’s room: soft, sexy moans and the unmistakable buzzing of a vibrator as she went to town over and over again. I couldn’t help but picture her running her hands over her full, round tits or sliding her fingers between her legs. I’d been hard all fucking night until I finally jumped in the shower again and took care of business.

She’d said she’d be leaving for work early this morning and it was already after eight. Figuring I’d have the place to myself, I left the bedroom in my boxer briefs in search of coffee. The scent of freshly brewed dark roast led me to the kitchen. Grateful she’d left something in the carafe, I made a beeline toward the counter.

“Yes, I’ll be there.” Blakely sat at the kitchen table, her attention focused on the computer screen in front of her.

“Will you be bringing a guest?” A male voice asked.

Hope that she’d already left for work burst like a too big bubble. At least she had her back to me, so she wouldn’t get an eyeful of me in my underwear. I moved toward the coffeepot, desperate to get in and out of the kitchen before she noticed me.

“What the hell, Kellan?” She flipped her computer across the table and whirled around in her chair.

Her gaze burned like a hot spotlight centered on my crotch. My hands went to my cock, and I ducked back behind the kitchen island. “What?”

“I’m on a video call for work.” Her eyes bugged, and she pressed her fingers against her temples.

“Blakely, are you still there? Is that a half-naked man in your kitchen?” The same male voice came through the speaker.

She moved to another chair and forced a smile. “Um, he’s…”

“You didn’t tell me you were seeing someone.” He sounded odd, not the kind of tone I would have expected from a typical co-worker.

Blakely’s cheeks flushed and her jaw tensed. “Who I have over is none of your business, Gio. Not anymore.”

The guy let out a soft laugh, then cleared his throat. “I’m assuming you’ll be bringing your new boyfriend to the party tomorrow night. I can’t wait to meet him.”