I silently observed her, wanting to know everything about her before I pressed for answers of my own. There was a certain beautiful and peaceful innocence to the way she moved and interacted with others.

The Ghost had told me of the wounds she’d suffered. If Thranar wasn’t dead already, I would have ripped his head from his shoulders myself. She didn’t even bear my mark yet, and still I wanted to protect her. I would have my hands on her and soon, but I would bide my time until I understood her better before I took her for myself.

She was an omega and I was an alpha. I was a predator and she my prey.

It was in my nature to take an omega for myself. Simply by being in my presence, her body would react to mine, eventually forcing her into estrous if the time was right. She’d beg me for my cock and the relief that only an alpha’s knot would bring her. Her legs would drip with slick, preparing her body for the rough mating that she was meant to take. It was instinct and when I was ready, I would bond her to me for the rest of our lives, linking us together forever as one.

She was a beautiful little thing with a figure that spoke to her omega status. She was small and slender, but I knew she was strong. I would tower over her with ease at well over six and a half feet. I was also at least double her size, if not more than that.

There was a certain amount of reservation in the way she interacted with others and I knew she was doing her best to hide the feisty, fiery nature that was characteristic of an omega. I could see the intelligence in her soft emerald eyes, in the way she quietly looked out in the distance toward Ravenrath when she thought no one else was looking.

She knew something more than she was letting on. I was sure of it.

At first, it was just a few furtive glances in the nearby city’s direction. After that, it began to escalate. I noticed that she was stealing food and supplies, filling water skins when she thought no one was looking and asking questions that she shouldn’t when she thought she was alone with her wait staff. She moved around the castle at all hours of the night and when she was ready, she packed a bag and set out when the sun was low on the horizon.

I followed her as she made her way out of the castle and through the city gates into the shadows of the forest.

She was going back, even though she was safe in the warrior city of Valgertha. The man who’d claimed her yet never bonded her was dead. Ravenrath was likely still in shambles and still, she wanted to return for reasons unknown.

Before I was through with her, she’d tell me everything and then I’d make her mine in the most primal way imaginable. She’d scream my name as she took every last inch of my cock, over and over again until her heat finally abated and her womb was full of my seed.

I looked forward to the moment when she finally realized what was happening.

I kept my mind busy with fantasies of her on her knees before me, begging for relief, as I tailed her through the forest. It was clear that she wasn’t quite sure of the way and that she hadn’t had much experience in the ways of the wilds, because she missed every single sign that the skotaur mother had left behind, from her paw prints in the dirt to the singed leaves that marked her journeys through the trees.

Skotaurs were dangerous beasts, but they could be tamed, even the wild ones if you knew how to handle them.

I’d heard her screams and knew immediately what had happened. Unlike Luna, I’d seen the smaller prints from the young skotaur pup alongside the mother’s. Within moments, the warning growls from the threatened female echoed throughout the forest and I rushed to Luna’s aid. When I finally found her, she was flat on her back staring straight up into the eyes of the mother and I cleared my throat. The skotaur stilled.

I recognized her.

I’d raised her.

Her name was Bayla. I’d found her abandoned at the edges of the wilds when she was no more than just a pup. I took her into my home and cared for her, bottle feeding her every four hours until she was old enough to feed herself. When she’d fin

ally grown to be as large as a warhorse, I’d led her back into the forest and set her free. She and I had met several times as she grew into her full size, and now I was overjoyed to see that she had a pup of her own. Not only had she survived out here, but she appeared to be thriving.

“Bayla,” I whispered, and the skotaur swung her tail from side to side in warning. “Leave her be. That little thing couldn’t mean your son any harm,” I continued, taking care to keep my tone gentle and nonthreatening. Skotaurs showcased distinctly feline behaviors and even the most well-trained ones could turn on their humans, but they always gave warning signs.

“Come. Show him to me,” I guided softly, and her fiery eyes finally connected with mine, blazing with fury at the omega’s audacity. A quiet mewling sounded to my right and I knelt down, watching as a very young male pup emerged out of the brush. He was no more than two weeks old from what I could tell.

Bayla removed the single paw that was holding Luna captive. Exceedingly slowly, she sat back on her haunches and haughtily appraised me for a very long moment before she decided to join me. I didn’t move toward her young. Instead, I held out my hand to her and she cocked her head to the side. I smirked, remembering just how temperamental she could be. In the end though, I knew she’d come to me. She always did.

When she finally started toward me, I grinned widely, welcoming her with open arms.

“You’ve grown to be quite fierce, little Bayla,” I murmured. She purred softly and I reached for her curved horn, petting her the way she used to adore when she was small. Her purr grew louder, just as I had expected.

Out of the corner of my eyes, the small form of my omega began to move and Bayla quickly hissed in warning.

“Don’t move, Luna. Bayla has yet to decide if you’re worth killing. I suggest that you don’t give her a reason,” I said, and Luna’s expression tensed with frustration. She was very much out of control and that knowledge was making my cock very hard right now.

Luna stilled, lowering herself back to the ground. What she didn’t know was that running from a skotaur often triggered them into action. Had she stopped, knelt before her, and lowered her head, Bayla wouldn’t have gone after her.

“You do not know the ways of the wilds, do you, omega?” I asked her, and she grimaced.

“I can make my way just fine,” she scoffed, and I chuckled.

“Can you now?” I murmured, taking my time to caress Bayla’s horns and making her purr for me in the meantime. Luna glared from the skotaur to me and I reveled in the knowledge that I could tame this fiery beast while she could not.