My jawline tensed and that was all the answer he needed.

“I won’t hurt you like he hurt you, sweet little omega. I am Valgerthian. In our city, we treasure our omegas for the prizes that they truly are, for their brilliance, for their feisty protective instincts, for everything that makes an omega what she is. We recognize how valuable you are. We celebrate you. It is disgraceful to mar the beauty that is an omega,” he assured me.

“You’re an alpha. At the end of the day, you seek to rut with an omega. You want to breed her. Alphas never stop until they get what they want, no matter what an omega might say in protest,” I scoffed.

“It is only instinct, Luna. Nothing more, nothing less,” he replied softly.

I seethed inside. No man had ever invoked my emotions like he did. I despised feeling this way, but I couldn’t make it stop.

“I could never trust you,” I snapped.

“One day, sweet omega, I hope to show you how truly wrong you are,” he said. “Come now, it is not safe in the woods for someone who isn’t familiar with the dangers that reside here. You will follow me, and we shall make camp in the safety of Bayla’s den.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I left Valgertha by myself and I intend to stay that way,” I countered.

“You will come with me, omega. I won’t take no for an answer. I suggest you take my hand and obey me. You will learn that your submission to me will be rewarded with kindness,” he answered.

“And if I don’t?” I pressed. I needed to know what he would do.

“If you disobey me, sweet omega, I will have to punish you,” he replied. His tone was callous and gave no further clues as to what my defiance would result in.

“I told you that all alphas are the same,” I sneered.

He offered me his hand, giving me another chance to heed his instructions.

“I’d prefer not to have to punish you on our first night together, little omega, but I will do what I have to in order to ensure your obedience. It is far too dangerous in this part of the forest for me to give you any leeway in the matter,” he said much more firmly this time. “You’re lucky it was only Bayla who discovered you and not another skotaur. Had it not been her, I might not have been able to save you.”

I didn’t move and he cleared his throat. He offered his hand once more. His expression was calm, but expectant. I chewed my lip, anxiously deciding what my next move would be. I could either go with him, fight him head on, or choose to flee.

“Come, Luna. This is the last chance I will give you before you find out how a real alpha handles a naughty little omega who refuses to obey him,” he offered.

My heart pounded in my chest. I stared at him for a long moment before my eyes flicked to the dark shrubbery of the forest just over his shoulder. Somewhere out there, the Cult had my daughter. They’d be looking for me and if they didn’t find me, I feared for her life for more than I did my own.

Bruises faded away and healed. The loss of my child would be far different. I couldn’t imagine anything worse than that, even my own death.

I didn’t know anything about this Vikar. He obviously knew far more about me than he let on and that made him dangerous.

I couldn’t stay with him. I didn’t know where he intended to take me. I knew that Ravenrath wasn’t that much farther. If he meant to return me to Valgertha, that would be far too dangerous for my child. I couldn’t take that risk, not when her life was at stake. I took a deep breath, watching him as he gazed back at me.

I made a decision at that moment. I would run. Again and again until I achieved what I’d set o

ut to do. I wouldn’t allow him to stop me, no matter what he did to me.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I had to do. I burst to the side, disappearing into the shadows of the forest as swiftly as I could. He swore behind me, but I didn’t let up. I pulled up the hood of my cloak, thankful for the dark color that would blend into the night. I was careful to keep my footsteps constrained to the moss below my feet, knowing it would help to conceal the sound of my footsteps among the dead leaves and brush that lined the ground. I ran so hard, trying to listen carefully to the sounds behind me.

As expected, I heard his footfalls behind me. He was chasing me, just like I had expected. I veered hard to the right, looking back over my shoulder. I didn’t see him. Even though I was small, I was fast and as I darted through the trees, I could tell I was gaining at least a little ground. I deviated to the left this time and studied the landscape, looking for the perfect place to slip into and lie in wait until he abandoned his mission.

I kept my eyes open and once I saw the perfect ditch, I scurried down into it and hid beneath an oversized tree root in a sort of small makeshift cave. From above, I would be perfectly hidden. He’d have to be right in front of it in order to see me, especially in the dead of night.

I took a moment to catch my breath as silently as I was able. My entire body pumped with adrenaline and I had difficulty reining it in for several long minutes. When I heard his footfalls crash nearby, I held my breath, only to realize that he had sped past me. Before long, he’d realize I’d disappeared. I’d stay here for some time, safe and sound until just before the sun rose. When the time came, I’d slip away and never be found again.

I pressed my head against the dirt wall behind me, daring to close my eyes for a second. I listen to the sound of my heart drum in my chest, hoping it wasn’t loud enough for the entire forest to hear. My breathing had calmed to a more normal pace and the burn in my muscles was beginning to fade into more of a soft warmth that was quite pleasant.

All around me there was only silence. The bugs had ceased chirping and the birds had long gone quiet. It was so very calm. I opened my eyes and looked up at the stars.

I prayed to the gods, all of them one by one, but I spent the most time pleading to Oslin to breathe favor into whatever the fates had in store for me and especially for my daughter.

I felt an ant crawl across my foot and I carefully guided it off. With a very quiet sigh, I settled in for the night and closed my eyes once more. I would rest until the sun rose and I could safely escape the forest and sneak into the city of Ravenrath.