“You came here to talk of an alliance, yes? To what end?” I asked, taking control of the meeting now. I’d given him too much leeway this far and it was time for me to take charge. If it bothered him, I no longer cared. He was in my city, in my castle, and he would abide by my rule.

He sighed, tapping his fingernails impatiently on the table.

“Valgertha is strong and so is Ravenrath. Combined, our forces would be unstoppable, and I’ve had my eye on one particular city for a very long time. Do you know which one that is?” he asked. This time, he talked to me like I was his equal and I found myself growing at least a little more comfortable sitting alone in the same room as him.

“I’m not sure,” I answered. I lied. I did have an idea of where we could move next. Since the sacking of Kaldar, I’d gained control of the Suna Kava river trading port, which was upstream of a major network that led down to the city of Kingsworth. On our own, Valgertha wasn’t big enough or powerful enough to even consider such a formidable opponent, but together with Ravenrath, it might be possible.

My people were well known for our skill on the water. We could sail down the river and attack Kingsworth from the banks of the Suna Kava. Ravenrath’s forces were particularly renowned for the strength of their warriors on land. Between the two of us, we could take Kingsworth from the land as well as the sea in an inescapable vise-like formation that they wouldn’t be able to prepare for.

I didn’t want to suggest it though. I wanted him to tell me first.

“You’re a smart woman, Freya. Together, you and I could take Kingsworth in our sleep,” he replied, confirming my suspicions once and for all.

“You want to secure an alliance with me,” I replied carefully.

“I do,” he answered.

But he also wanted me in his bed.

Cocky motherfucker.

I drained the rest of my goblet of wine and he grabbed the pitcher this time, filling my glass for me. The importance of the moment wasn’t lost on me. He was an alpha and right now, he was serving me. I nodded in appreciation toward him, trying to weigh the options of what I would do next.

I knew that Aric had been sent here with the sole purpose of ensuring that my conquest aligned with the needs of the Brotherhood. I also had yet to decide if that was something I wanted for my kingdom.

I needed time and I also needed to understand everything that would result from a decision of this magnitude. I wasn’t going to decide anything right now.

“It’s an intriguing proposition, Thranar,” I began. I leaned back and took a sip of the wine that he had poured me, nodding my head in thanks at his thoughtfulness.

“I had hoped that you would think so,” he smiled. He crossed his arms over his head. He watched me carefully as I thought over his words. I was silent for some time before I began to speak again.

“I don’t have an answer for you today though. An alliance of this sort should be properly considered before either of us decide to enter into an agreement like this,” I finally replied.

I cou

ld see a ripple of tension cross his features. His fingers stilled and at once, the air of danger had returned. He wasn’t here just to secure an alliance.

He wanted to take me and my throne for himself.

I shifted in my chair, the thin leather holster around my ankle pinching my skin and reminding me of the small dagger I always kept on me in case of danger. I made no movements to retrieve it, but I was thankful that wearing it was a part of my daily routine no matter if I was on the battlefield or safe in my castle.

I had a feeling that I may find a use for it today.

I would wait though. I wasn’t going to be the one to draw first blood.

I leaned forward and took another bite of cheese. Thranar remained motionless and he still hadn’t said anything. It felt like he was a bomb ready to explode at any given moment.

I decided to try to distract him.

“I am exceedingly pleased to have your company here, Thranar. I have a number of very good brothels I might suggest if you’d like to spend the night,” I began. His dark irises flicked to mine.

“I’m not interested in sharing a bed with a beta or an omega, Freya,” he said ominously.

I’d denied him and now I had the icy feeling that this meeting would soon spin out of control.

He cleared his throat. I didn’t say a word.

“Do you know they sing songs about you? About your rise as a warrior and how you killed a king and took the throne for yourself? They sing of your conquests and of your glory,” he began.