I begged for orgasm. He hadn’t granted me permission yet. He pistoned into my asshole and it burned hot, before he growled softly and my entire body stiffened, forced on the edge of orgasm once more. My core twisted tight and another rush of slick poured down my thighs, pooling beneath me on the bed.

“Come for me, my beautiful little omega,” he purred.

I couldn’t have stopped my orgasm if I had even tried. It burst over me with an intensity that I was completely unprepared for. Every muscle in my body tightened as pleasure took over all of my senses. My ears roared. My eyes rolled back in my head as white-hot bliss blinded me. His alpha scent was overwhelming and magnificent. His fingers pressed against my lips as he forced me to taste me own wetness and I fell apart, all while he used my bottom as roughly as he pleased.

I lost track of how many times I came while he fucked me. It didn’t matter. Tonight, we wanted to forget the rest of the world wh

ile we enjoyed each other. I needed him to take control and that’s exactly what he did, over and over again until each orgasm tore through me like a tornado. I quaked and trembled with each one until I lost all semblance of rational thought.

Pleasure. Pain. It was all one and the same. I didn’t know up from down. My pussy spasmed again and again, empty as he claimed my bottom just as hard as he had taken the rest of me. Every release was just as intense as the last until the salty taste of my own tears dripped onto my tongue.

I don’t know how long it lasted. Time no longer had any meaning but when his hot seed burst into my channel, it propelled me into a black chasm of pleasure that was almost impossible to claw my way out of. Every single nerve in my body crackled at the same time, breaking me with one last powerful orgasm that left me shaking uncontrollably as if the very ground beneath me had given way.

Aric’s arms curled around my body, and he pulled free from my bottom. He lifted me, placing me under the covers. I shivered as he climbed in bed with me.

“Sleep now, my beautiful queen,” he murmured, and I closed my eyes as his warmth cocooned around me.

“Yes, alpha,” I whispered, my voice so hoarse from my screams that I could hardly hear it myself.

Chapter Ten


I woke early the next morning and carefully unfurled myself from the delicate little thing that was my omega. She was still fast asleep, and I did my best not to disturb her. My heart soared as I gazed back at her. Her brilliantly colored red hair spread across her white pillow like a curtain of fire. Her chest rose and fell beneath the sheets, her breathing steady and true. Her beautiful eyes were framed by the same red eyelashes that were stark against her skin and a slight pink blush still graced her cheeks from the events of the night. My own little firecracker of a woman. My queen.

She was perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

I didn’t want to turn away, but now that I was back in the city, I had to find Ariana. I wanted to find out what she had learned about those in the castle while I was away. Not only that, but I wanted to touch base with the men and women in my branch of the Brotherhood. I dressed quickly and made my way down the stairs to pass a message onto a nearby attendant to fetch her for me. In less than ten minutes, she was knocking lightly on the door and I let her in. I poured a glass of tea and passed it to her, sitting down in a small nook near the entryway.

“I trust you’ve been well,” I said softly, and she smiled, taking a sip from her mug.

“I have,” she answered. “But I’ve been busy.”

“I bet you have,” I replied with a smirk.

“I know who smuggled Thranar out of the castle, although I don’t think that’s what’s going to interest you the most out of what I have to tell you,” she began.

“Go on,” I replied, while simply lifting an eyebrow.

“The alliance that was made with Thranar was a sham. He plans to return the same way he slipped out the last time, only this time he plans on slitting Queen Freya’s throat and taking Valgertha as his in the process,” she explained.

I narrowed my eyes and swallowed heavily. With a sigh, I pressed my fingers to the bridge of my nose with frustration. It wasn’t entirely surprising that Thranar didn’t intend to honor the peace treaty. To be honest, he’d agreed to more than I thought he would in tribute and that had been more than suspicious on its own.

“How much do you know about his plan?” I pushed. I needed to know more in order to decide what to do next.

“I learned a great deal. I know when he will arrive. I know where he plans to sneak into the castle and who is going to help him. His allies aren’t careful with their words when I’m cleaning their chambers. They talked as if they forgot I was there entirely,” she smirked.

“Tell me everything you know,” I said softly. “Perhaps it’s time we take care of Thranar once and for all.”

For several hours, the two of us sat and discussed our next move. I was thoroughly impressed by her commitment to gaining all the pertinent intel she had gathered. She had hidden beneath beds, inside closets, and even pretended to deliver specially prepared food with truth serum baked inside it in order to ascertain more about Thranar’s plans. She’d provided a handful of names that I didn’t recognize, but I would soon. I had little doubt each one was a member of the Cult of the Blood Moon, placed here to further their mission at the expense of ours.

The more she told me, the more I wanted to turn the tables on Thranar.

The stairs creaked above me and I looked up to see Freya standing at the top of the stairs. She cocked her head curiously and I smiled up at her.

“I trust you slept well, Queen Freya?” I asked her.

“I did, King Aric,” she replied quietly, her cheeks flushing beautifully as she gazed down at me. Likely, she was reminiscing about how I’d taken her virgin bottom for the first time last night and how much she had thoroughly enjoyed it. I grinned knowingly and she blushed even harder.