with my alpha. It didn’t end there though. Her moan hit me like a bolt of lightning, shooting straight down to my cock and making it harden almost instantly.

“That you will, my queen,” I grinned. I shifted in my chair and adjusted the hard length of my cock inside my slacks. I craved the feeling of her wet warmth surrounding every inch of me. I cocked my head to the side, imagining how good it would feel to knot her soaked little pussy again.

She blushed.

I smirked and she turned away, which was probably a good thing because if she stood there much longer, I would have taken her right then and there on the floor. She must have figured out the train of my thoughts because she swayed her hips from side to side a bit more than she usually did. I groaned at her teasing, the sound low in my throat and a soft whimper escaped her lips as she walked out the door, leaving me completely alone once again.

I was glad to see that I had just as much of an effect on her as she had on me.

With a gargantuan effort, I pushed away the arousal my omega had stoked within me and pressed my feet to the floor. I stood up, took a deep breath, and headed out of her chambers and then out of the castle into the city. I carefully meandered my way through the streets until I came upon a dark pub. Last night, I had passed a message along to my branch members for them to meet me here before sundown. When I entered, I saw the men and women that I led sitting in the back at a long table, sipping on mugs of mead and quietly talking to each other. Floki was sitting at the end of one of the benches, and he glanced up at me as I took my own seat at the head of the table. I nodded in greeting to all of them and Floki passed me a very full cup of mead.

“Thank you,” I murmured quietly, and he grinned in my direction.

I took a long draw of the icy cold beverage before I placed it back on the table.

One at a time, each of them informed me of their activities. Many of them fought in battle and had heard various whispers of Thranar’s intentions for Freya and for Valgertha and I was careful not to give away any of my thoughts on the matter. Floki spoke last, informing me of everything he’d learned about Luna along the way, which hadn’t been much. She’d been surprisingly close-lipped about her time in Thranar’s clutches, which was especially concerning to me.

Some of them had piecemeal information on Thranar’s plans, which gave me an even clearer picture of what his arrival would bring. He’d waited less than forty-eight hours since we’d left the destroyed walls of his city to come after us. By my calculations, that meant he was likely to attempt his attack tonight or early in the morning.

I knew the path that he was planning to take. I knew how he was going to sneak into the castle. Instead of sleeping in our beds like he expected us to be, Freya and I were going to meet him head on with our swords at the ready.

I sipped at my mug of mead thoughtfully and looked around the table before I relayed my orders for all of them.

“I want all of you watching the castle tonight. If you see Thranar and his men approaching, you will not engage. Instead, you will report to me his exact whereabouts. Keep in teams of two so that if you spot him, one of you will be able to keep your eyes on him at all times. Understood?” I commanded.

Every one of them nodded at the same time. They would follow my orders without question.

“It’s critical that we stop Thranar. If he is successful in the planned murder of the queen, it will mean that he will have taken the throne of Valgertha, but it won’t end there. He’ll have secured this city for the Cult of the Blood Moon and the Alpha Brotherhood will not stand for that.”

It was time to get back to the castle and protect my queen.

“Understood, Sage,” they said in unison.

“Good. See to it the will of the Brotherhood is done,” I replied, before I took my leave. With haste, I returned to Freya’s chambers to find her inside her bedroom. She was eating a small meal of steamed vegetables, rice, and meat.

“Thranar is going to make his move sometime tonight,” I told her, and she nodded.

“I expected this from him, but not quite so soon,” she sighed. She started to undress down to her cotton underclothes, before she shrugged her gray battle armor on once more. She looked exhausted and I moved closer to her, capturing her wrists in my hands.

“When he comes for us, you’ll be ready for him. Why don’t you get some rest in the meantime?” I suggested and she nodded. I stripped one piece of clothing off her body and then the next until she was fully bare before me. I leisurely ran my fingers along the curve of her breasts before I lifted her up off the floor and deposited her back in her bed. Without wasting any time, I pulled up the covers around her naked form. I brushed my fingers along her cheek and this time, she sighed with longing.

“Sleep now, my omega. I’ll wake you once I hear word that he’s arrived,” I ordered. She nodded, tired enough that she didn’t argue with me. She and I both knew how important it was that she was well rested in a fight. There was no way that she could take on Thranar if she was this tired. Her small fingers curled around the sheets, pulling them close to her as she closed her eyes. In no time at all, she was fast asleep, her steady breathing giving her away. I sat down in one of the chairs in the bedroom and waited.

Thranar wouldn’t arrive for several more hours, but when he did, he was going to have a well-rested and very angry little omega to contend with. I grinned. He didn’t know what was coming for him and I was going to enjoy every last second when he did.

Chapter Eleven


I’m not sure how long I slept for, but I woke with a start the moment I felt Aric’s fingers grasp my right shoulder. It was time. Quickly, he helped me dress in my leather battle armor. He also opened my armoire and handed me several of my favorite weapons. I noticed that he was wearing his own too. There was an elegant dagger on his waist that had several dark blue gemstones embedded in the handle. When he noticed me looking at it, he cleared his throat and pulled it free from its sheath.

“It was a gift. The leader of the Brotherhood gave it to me when I was granted sage status,” he said softly. The blade looked sharp and was about the length of my forearm. It was really quite ornate. The handle appeared to be made of folded silver that was furnished into an intricate rope design inlaid with several different types of glittering stones.

He handed the knife to me so that I could take a closer look. When I was turning it slowly in my fingers, he untied the sheath from his waist and fastened it to my belt instead.

“You’d let me fight with this?” I asked softly, watching as he knelt before me, tying the knot nice and tight. His eyes found mine and he smiled as he stood back up.

“I expect you to kill him with it,” he replied, cocking his head to the side. I could feel his pride and his love all in that single look and my own heart pounded hard in my chest.