“I’m actually in DC. I’ll be up tonight to see you and the kids.”

“That’s wonderful. And how are you and your new partner doing?” her mother asked.

“We had a come-to-Jesus meeting and things seem to have smoothed out.”

“And the case?”

“It’s coming. Slowly.”

“Well, I’ll let you get back to it then, honey.”


White’s first interview was with Felicia Campbell, who had taken Alice Lancer’s position as communications director at the Kingston Group, the lobbying firm headquartered on K Street. The place looked busy and prosperous. Campbell was in her thirties and full of energy.

“It was awful news about Alice,” she said as they sat in her spacious office, which held the usual business trophies and pictures of her with what were probably politicians and other clients.

“And how did you learn about her death?” asked White.

“I saw it on the news. And someone posted it on the firm’s social media accounts.”

“What can you tell me about her?”

“We only overlapped for about a year. Even though she was a full-fledged lobbyist by then, she helped me learn the ropes. I’ve recently been promoted from communications director to a lobbyist here, and on a fast track to partnership.”

“Congratulations. Lancer?”

“She was great at her job. Everyone liked Alice. She was really moving up.”

“So why did she leave?”

“You know, I asked myself that more than once. Never found a good answer.”

“Did you ever ask her?”

“She left somewhat abruptly.” She paused. “I…I thought…” She looked warily at White.

“You thought there might have been some problem?”

“Not really, I mean, I never heard of anything.”

“Is there anyone here that might have heard of…anything?”

“Mr. Drake might be able to help you.”

“And who is Mr. Drake?”

“Jerome Drake is one of the founding partners. He and Alice worked closely together.”

“Look forward to talking to him.”


Jerome Drake was a soft-spoken, morose-looking fellow who let his gaze glide over White for a few moments before looking out the window of his corner office. The contrast between him and the energetic Campbell was startling.

“So, whatever you can tell me about Alice Lancer,” began White.

“I’m not sure I can tell you anything.”