“What do you mean, specifically?”

“She used this subterfuge that she had been receiving threats to explain his being there.”

“But shehadbeen getting threats,” interjected Tyler. “She told me so. Right, Dad?”

“Is that what she told you, Mr. Davidson?”

“I already answered that question. She never got back to me when I texted her about it.”

“I just wanted to give you the opportunity to amend your answer, if need be.”

“I have no reason to change what I already told you,” he said icily. “Check my phone records. I sent the one text. I haven’t called her in weeks.”

“I also have heard that you still loved your ex. And you told me that you hoped to reconcile with her.”

“Dad?” said Tyler. “Is that true?”

Davidson wouldn’t look at his son. “Okay, I told you that, but in my heart of hearts I knew it was over. I’ve moved on with my life. The divorce was years ago.” He rose. “Now, if there’s nothing else, Tyler and I need to head out or we’ll be late for our reservation.”

“You drive a Mercedes S600?”


“There are cameras in the garage here?”

“Yes, and if you check the film you’ll see that my Mercedes never left the garage. And I didn’t take Tyler’s car, either. And there is no record of me going through Julia’s gate.”

Decker gave him a piercing look. “You checked?”

“I should have said Iknowthere is no record of me going through the gate, since I never left the condo, as I told you before.”

“I told you all that, Agent Decker,” chimed in Tyler. “My dadwashere. I heard him. I would’ve known if he had left.”

Davidson said heatedly, “And do you really think I could have butchered my wife and then gotten back here and then calmly held a meeting? You could check with my business clients. I wasn’t covered in fucking blood when I did the Zoom call!”

“Dad!” exclaimed Tyler. “Calm down. You didn’t kill her, okay?”

Decker took all this in and then said, “Who said she wasbutchered?”

Davidson glanced anxiously at his son. “You…you said she’d been stabbed. You told me that,” he added.

“Oh, Irememberexactly what I said. But I didn’t say ‘butchered.’ In fact, I didn’t say how many times she had been stabbed. It could have been only once.”

Davidson nervously licked his lips. “And what about the man? Was he stabbed, too?”

Decker rose. “I guess you two had better get on to your dinner.”


A?S DECKER WAS DRIVING BACKto the hotel his phone buzzed.

When he answered White said, “Good, you’re still alive. I didn’t want to have to break in a new partner so soon.”

“Find anything useful?” asked Decker.

She took a few minutes to fill him on what she had learned about Draymont and Lancer.

“So partners in blackmail from way back?”