Davidson shot White a questioning glance but said nothing.

“Before last night, when was the last time you had seen or used your gun?” asked White.

“I don’t really remember. It’s been a long time.”

“Where do you keep it?” asked White.

“When Tyler was younger, I had a gun box. But lately, it’s been in my desk drawer.”

“So last time you saw it, just ballpark. Weeks, months, years?” said White.

“Maybe six months. I bought it after Julia and I were married and were living in another house. We were robbed there.”

“Anybody been to your home recently who could have taken it and then returned it?” asked Decker.

“No, it’s just been me and Tyler.”

“Anyone have a key to your place?” asked White.

“Tyler does, of course. And Julia had one. In case of emergency.”

Decker glanced at White. “Nothing like that was found at Cummins’s house, was it?”

“Not that I know of, but they probably weren’t looking for a key.”

“I didn’t shoot those people,” barked Davidson. “I’ll take one of those polygraphs if you want me to.”

Decker said, “But you can see why you were arrested, can’t you?”

He looked at them in desperation. “I have a damn alibi.”

“But some alibis are better than others. And maybe Tyler has a reason to give you one,” noted Decker.

“He wouldn’t lie. He said I was there because Iwasthere!”

“Okay,” said Decker. “Just keep calm.”

“How the hell am I supposed to keep calm! And Tyler was at school when they arrested me. I don’t think he even knows where I am.”

“We’ll fill him in,” said Decker.

“I guess I need a lawyer.”

“Yes, you do. Have you given an official statement yet?”


Decker said, “Don’t without talking to an attorney, and he’ll probably recommend against it. Your arraignment is tomorrow. You’ll make your plea, and bail will be set.”

“I’m pleading not guilty.”

“Okay,” said Decker.

“Will I need to stay in jail?”

“Depends on what the prosecution asks for and what the judge decides,” answered White. “But given that we’re talking about multiple homicides, don’t be surprised if you’re remanded into custody until your trial date.”

“But Tyler!”