“That ‘presumed innocent’ thing,” said Decker. “But first, I understand congratulations are in order.”

Chase smiled and held up her hand. A four-carat diamond rose from her finger like a miniature crystal mountain.

“Nice,” said White. “Even if it doesn’t work out, be sure to keep the rock.”

“Oh, itwillwork out. We love each other very much.” She glanced at White. “He did the knee and everything. Very romantic.”

“He’s close to fifty, right? Big age gap,” White noted.

She frowned for a moment, but then smiled. “But he looks far closer to forty. And wants kids, same as me.”

“Big wedding planned?” asked White.

Chase looked a bit crestfallen by the query. “No. Um, we’re getting married next week in a very low-key affair, just the two of us. And then flying to Vegas for our honeymoon.”

“Vegas, interesting choice. Do you like to gamble?”

“No, but they have great restaurants and shows.”

“And as soon as you say your vows, everything he might have told you about Julia Cummins or anything related to her death will be confidential,” pointed out Decker.

Chase glanced sharply at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Florida has a spousal communication privilege. So Langley can invoke it to prevent you from talking to the police or anyone else about any communications he might have made to you about Julia Cummins or anything else that might be incriminating. He could have told you that he killed her, but once you’re married, your lips are legally sealed.”

“He didn’t kill her. He was with me!”

“So no worries there. I’m just wondering if that law was the impetus for a quickie marriage as opposed to some societal extravaganza. But maybe you didn’t want that.” He looked around the posh space. “I mean, you don’t strike me as someone who likes to make a big splash.”

“Look, I won’t deny that I had plans for something here that was going to be pretty fabulous, but Dennis explained things to me. I mean, why pay all that money for what’s basically a big party for everybody else? Instead it’ll just be us and we’ll pamper ourselves, not three hundred guests.”

“Makes perfect sense,” said White. “What every woman wants, right?”

Chase scowled at her and finally said, “Well,thiswoman does.” She turned to Decker. “And besides, didn’t Barry Davidson kill his ex-wife?”

“He’s been charged with murder, but notthatmurder,” pointed out White.

“What?” said a confused Chase.

“Did you know that your fiancé wanted to marry Julia Cummins?” said Decker.

“That’s crazy. Who told you that?”

“Someone close to her said the judge broke it off because Langley wanted to tie the knot but she didn’t.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“And you know about the prostitute?” said White.

“The what?”

“Your fiancé was charged with assaulting a prostitute and nearly beating her to death. But the charges were dropped.”

“Because they were untrue! The woman was trying to blackmail Dennis. I remember now, he told me all about it.”

“So he admits being with a prostitute?” asked Decker.

“No…he…he…it was a stupid thing to do. He was drunk.”