“No problem. I haven’t been sleeping much. I heard about the arrest. The judge’s ex. Think it will stick?”

“His gun was the murder weapon for Lancer and Draymont,” said White.

Roe looked at Decker. “What do you think?”

“He had motive, means, and maybe opportunity.”


Decker glanced at White. “There’s not always abutin my remarks.”

“I’m sure. But why would you be here if you thought you already had your killer?”

“Maybe to discuss yourfather’scase?”

“But you said you would only do that if you thought it was connected to these killings.”

“Maybe I do.”

“So thereisa but,” noted White.

Decker leaned forward. “What can you tell us about your dad founding his firm?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Pretty much everything. He joined the Service right out of college. He put in sixteen years. If he put in twenty-five he could have retired with a full ride. That’s a big sacrifice to go off and start your own firm. He could have finished his tour of duty with the Service, banked his pension, and then started his company. That’s what lots of people do.”

“Butnotmy father.”

“Did he ever talk to you about why he left the Service?”

“Not really. ButIleft after only five years.”

“There’s a big difference between five and sixteen years invested,” noted Decker.

“And Gamma was already established and successful,” added White. She looked around the luxurious space. “You had some place to go. Groomed to take over an empire.”

“I don’t think it’s suspicious that my father was naturally an entrepreneur. Lots of immigrants build businesses.”

“Yes, they do. But a lot of them do it right away. So I’m not sure hownaturalan entrepreneur he was.”

“What exactly are you suggesting?” said Roe in a bristling tone.

“I’m not suggesting anything,” said Decker. “I’m just trying to fully understand your father’s motivations.”

“Then I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Did he keep in touch with anyone he worked with in the Service?”

She sat back and mulled over this. “There was one agent that he was good friends with. I don’t remember the name offhand, but I can look it up.”

“Can you do it now?” asked Decker.

She glared at him. “You’re very impatient.”

“I like to think of it as very motivated to do my job.”

“Let me get my phone, it might be on there.”