White looked at him in surprise. “Decker, I didn’t expect that nuance from you.”

“Yeah, I actually shocked myself with that one.”

White parked the car and they settled down to wait.

“How is Alex doing?” asked White.

“Seems to be doing fine,” he replied.If conflicted.

“Nice of her to score this lead for us.”

“Yes, it was.”

“Guess she’d do anything for you, huh?”

He glanced over at her. “And where exactly is this going?”

“Just making an observation.”


“What do you expect Fellows to tell us?”



“Why not shoot for the stars?”

“And end up always being disappointed?”

“There are far worse things in life than that.”

White was about to launch a retort but said, “I guess you’re right about that.”

An hour and a half later, Fellows walked out of the spa, her skin glowing, her fingernails and toenails painted aquamarine, and her hair shiny.

“I wonder how much all ofthatcost,” said White.

Decker opened his car door. “Who cares? Let’s go swing for the fences.”


THE FLASH OF THEIR CREDSmade Fellows’s large eyes widen even more.

“You were the one who left a message last night. Look, why are you harassing me? Talk to my accountants. They’re handling everything. I just spend the money, I have no idea where it comes from. And I know nothing about taxes!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said White. “We’re investigating a series of murders.”

Fellows almost fell against her car. “Murders? Why the hell do you want to talk to me aboutmurders?”

“Maybe we can go someplaceveryprivate and talk it through?” suggested Decker. “Like your home?”

They followed her back to her house, driving through the open gate after her.

“Wow,” said White as they pulled up in front of the three-story mansion set right on the water. “Sothisis how the other half lives.”

“It’s not half,” replied Decker. “It’s more like a handful.”