“Make it snappy. I’m a busy man.”

“If you’re cooperative, I’m sure we can knock this out pretty quickly.”

“Knock outwhatpretty quickly? My alibi is solidly established, so there’s really nothing more to discuss.”

“You say you never went to the judge’s house?”

“That’s right.”

“So you wouldn’t have had access to the key she had to her ex’s place?”

“Of course not. I didn’t even know she had one.”

“She never mentioned it?”

“No. And how would I even know what it looked like, or where it was?” He cocked his head. “Why is that important?”

“I understand you’re getting married next week, and then flying to Nevada right after. Why the rush?”

“I don’t see how that is possibly any of your business.”

“Why don’t you just imagine it is and answer the question?”

“Why don’t you justimaginewe’re done and get out of here? You know, Decker, you have no cards in your hand, not a one. So don’t try to pretend to play any. You keep this up, coming to see me and my fiancée, I’ll file harassment charges against you, and I’ll make them stick. And then where will you be?”

Decker said impassively, “I don’t know. Where?”

“Okay, we’re done. You obviously have nothing better to do with your time. But I do.”

“Why did you move down here?”

“Again, none of your concern.”

Decker glanced at the man’s collar. “You going to see Gloria later?”

“Yes, why?”

“Piece of advice. Change your shirt.”


“You have lipstick on your collar. Interestingly, it’s the same shade of red that your assistant, Rose, is wearing.”

Langley pulled a hand mirror out of his desk drawer, checked his collar, and used a tissue to rub off the lipstick. “She was congratulating me on my upcoming marriage and got a little carried away.”

“Really? I assume she kissed youbeforeyou told her that you were betrothed.”

“Think whatever you want.”

“How exactly did you get the prostitute to drop the charges against you?”

Langley rose. “You are very, very close to a defamation suit.”

“Don’t think so.”

“Oh, so now you’re a lawyer?”

“No, everything I said was true. She was a prostitute, you were charged with assaulting her, and she then dropped the charges and left town. I hope she’s still alive.”