“Yeah, so did I, and that was a mistake. I looked online, and it’s sold on Etsy and eBay for the most part.”

“I can run a check on recent purchases of the currency. I can’t imagine there’s a big market for it.”

White made a call and got this in motion. “I told them to make it a priority. Hopefully, they won’t need a warrant or anything.”


“Now where?”

“Let’s talk to Doris Kline again.”


“She lived next door to Julia Cummins and knew her maybe better than anyone else. And she held back before. Maybe she’s still holding back something.”


Kline was out on her lanai reading a book and having orange juice, though knowing the woman now, Decker doubted it was solely juice in there.

She was dressed in a salmon-and-white-striped shirt and white capri pants. A pack of cigarettes sat next to the juice. An ashtray with a few butts in it sat next to that.

“Long time, no see,” said Kline, laying her book aside. “Have you solved the case yet?”

“Not quite.”

“Where’s the other FBI guy?”

“In the hospital.”

“What? Is he sick?”

“No, he was shot.”

Kline had picked up her glass and nearly spilled it.

“My God, was it connected to—”

“Maybe,” interrupted Decker.

“Okay.” She gingerly set the glass down. “I understand Barry has been arrested.”

“That’s right. And charged with the murders of Alan Draymont and Alice Lancer,” said White. “But not Julia Cummins. At least not yet. What do you think about that?”

“If you want the truth, I don’t think Barry has the guts to kill anyone.”

“We understand that he sometimes watched Cummins’s house?” said Decker.

Kline nodded. “And Julia caught him at it. They had words. And he ran off with his tail tucked between his legs.”

“And you didn’t think to mention this before?” asked White.

“Like I said, I don’t believe Barry did it.”

“His gunwasused to kill Alan Draymont and Alice Lancer,” noted Decker.

“I didn’t even know he had a gun.”

“He had it at Cummins’s house the night before he was arrested. Looked like he was going to kill himself with it. Fortunately we were there in time to stop him.”