“He could,” said Decker. “Unless we find another plausible theory.”

Kline shook her head. “That means Tyler will have lost both parents. Poor kid.”

“He believes in his father’s innocence, although he’s clearly not happy with Barry’s drinking and lifestyle.”

“Barry’s all he has left. That’s pretty scary for a kid.”

“Yes, it is,” said Decker, rising to leave.


Later, back at the hotel, White rapped on Decker’s door. When he opened it she looked triumphant.

“We got a hit on the Slovakian currency purchase,” she told him.

“That was fast.”

“Sometimes the good guys get lucky. And the Bureau has a team devoted to online purchases that might later figure in prosecutions. Apparently criminals really like to get their felonious shit on platforms like that. And as you said, not much trafficking in the currency. It was purchased on eBay. Happened three weeks ago.”

“They have a name?”



“Kasimira Roe.”


D?ECKER IMMEDIATELY CONTACTED ROE ANDasked for a meeting without mentioning what they had just uncovered.

White showed Decker the documentation on the currency purchase. “I don’t remember the bills that came out of Draymont’s and Lancer’s throats. But we can get them from the evidence locker.”

“No need. I remember them.”

“Seriously, I mean, to that level of detail?”

“I can see them in my head, Freddie, including serial numbers.”

“Well, look at you, Rain Man. Maybeweshould go to Vegas.”

They left their hotel and got into the rental. As she drove them to Miami, he went over the pictures of the money in the email.


“It’s the same money.”

“Shit, I did not see that coming.”

“It doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it might.”

“How could it not?”

“That’s why we’re heading to Miami. To ask her.”

“And you think she’ll really answer truthfully?”

“We’ll see, won’t we?”