Langley’s hand balled to a fist.

White stepped between the two men. “Don’t even think about it. Assaulting a Fed gets you a minimum of five years in the pen.”

“You think you’ve really got me, don’t you?” barked Langley as he looked over White at Decker.

“Ithinkyou really don’t have Gloria Chase and her money anymore and you needed to take it out on somebody and I’m it. But your being here saved me a trip to see you. When your marriage play with Judge Cummins didn’t pan out because she saw right through you, was that motive enough to kill her?”

“I have an alibi.”

“Not anymore you don’t. Chase recanted.”

Langley glanced nervously at White. “I didn’t kill Julia.”

“I’ve yet to meet a murderer who openly confessed to killing anyone,” replied Decker.

“Why would I kill her? I had Gloria.”

“With some people it’s not about money. It’s about ego. How is your ego? Strong enough to handle rejection like that? Or should Chase hire security to protect her now? From you?”

Langley took a step back. “You’re an asshole.”

“Well, it usually takes one to know one. And I definitelyknowyou. And if you didn’t kill her, why did you work so hard to have Gloria as an alibi that night? You went to the liquor store, sure, we confirmed that. But where else did you go?”

Langley turned and stalked out.

White let out a breath and said, “Okay, I thought I was going to have to pull out my karate again. Though it would have given me great pleasure to put my foot right against that jerk’s square jaw.”

“He’s a bully. You pop him in the nose, he runs away crying. That’s not really important. What is important is does he have it in him to stab a woman ten times?”

“And remember the card left behind with that legal phrase. He’s a lawyer. That fits.”

“But the blindfold with holes? How does that tie into Langley?”

“I don’t know,” confessed White.

“Neither do I. But that may be because he didn’t do it.”

“Then there must be someone else out there that we’re not aware of yet, Decker.”

“Maybe weareaware of them.”


LATER THAT NIGHT WHITE KNOCKEDon Decker’s door. He let her in and they sat across from each other.

“Andrews left the hospital today. He’s starting rehab.”

“Good. Hope it goes well.”

“And I got a call back from DC. No one matching the description that I got from Deidre Fellows worked at Senator Tanner’s office or on his campaign.”

“At least that anyone can remember.”

“Right. But we end up in the same place—nowhere,” said White.

“If he wasn’t working on the campaign, what was he doing in Tanner’s room cleaning up that mess?”

“A good Samaritan passing by would not have stuffed a woman into a suitcase. They would have called the police. Same for someone working at the hotel.”