“Did he cheat on her?” asked White.

“Not that I know. I actually believe he loved her and only her.”

Andrews said, “Okay, anything else, Decker?”

Decker had looked up at the sky again. When he didn’t answer, White put her notebook away and rose. “Well, thank you for your time. We’ll probably have follow-up questions.”

“I just want you to catch whoever did this.”

“We want that, too.”

Andrews rose and looked down at Decker. “You ready, Decker? We’re heading out.”

Decker lowered his gaze to Kline. “Who told you the judge was dead?”

“What?” said Kline, looking surprised.

“You saw Draymont’s body in the study, but you didn’t see the judge’s body upstairs?”

“That’s right.”

“Did the police come over here and tell you?”

“No. I just assumed. I mean, if Julia had been alive, she would have come over here. I would have seen her out in the yard. She would have called the police herself last night.”

“So you just assumed she was home last night?”

“Yes, that was why the guard was there, I presumed.”

Decker nodded and rose. “Okay.”

“I’m not sure I appreciate the allegations in your questions,” Kline said irritably.

“That’s okay. People never do.”


T?HE SECURITY GUARD AT THEgate was waiting for them when they returned to Cummins’s house. He held up some printed-out pages.

“Here you go, everybody from the last twenty-four hours.”

Andrews reached for the pages but Decker’s arm was longer and he got to it first.

“Thanks. Can you give us a summary? With some local color?”

The guard said, “Well, we obviously had lots of people who live here come and go. They don’t have to sign in.”

“But I saw there are electronic tags on some of the cars with the name of this development on them. So there should be arecordof homeowners coming and going, right?”

“They’re in that stack I just gave you.”

“Thanks. The summary?”

“Oh, well, there were well over a hundred visitors’ cars during that period of time.”

“Is that a lot, a little, right on target?” asked Decker.

“It’s a little high, but that was because of the golf tournament.”