“Too bad for themerelyrich,” said Decker. “Let’s go talk to the ex and the kid.”

“They’re waiting for us at their condo.”

“Kline said it was about two miles from here,” Decker said.

“That’s right,” replied Andrews.

White said, “And the ex has a security strip on his car, presumably.”

“If so, and he came here last night, it should be in those records,” noted Andrews. “Which I think I should keep charge of.”

Decker glanced at White before handing the batch of papers over to Andrews. “Knock yourself out.”

“You can ride over with me,” said Andrews. “I can bring you back here after the interview. Where are you staying?” He led them over to his Lexus.

“DoubleTree,” replied White. “We haven’t checked in yet.”

“It’s not that far. Has a nice restaurant.”

“How well do you know Barry Davidson?” asked Decker.

“Look, if you’re trying to get me knocked off this case because of some made-up conflict—” snapped Andrews.

“The only thing I’mtryingto do,” cut in Decker, “issolvethis case. If you have any helpful information?”

Andrews glanced at White, who said, “We’re not in a competition, Agent Andrews. If the positions were reversed, I’d be irked, too. But we’re following orders, just like you. So let’s just try to get along and nail the sucker who did this.”

Andrews shot Decker a look.

“What she said,” said Decker.

“I don’t know him that well. We’ve played golf together exactly once, and that was a tournament where we were paired up. I’ve had some casual conversations with him over the years, but that’s it.”

“Guy have a good rep in his line of work?”

“Nothing that I’ve ever heard to the contrary. I actually have some friends who are clients. They seem very pleased.”

“And you didn’t know about the tax thing five years ago?”

Andrews looked uncomfortable. “There was some local scuttlebutt about that. But I wasn’t involved.”

“And the kid?”

“He’s a junior in high school, already got some solid college interest for football. I’ve watched him play. He’s really good.”

“Ever in any trouble?”

“Straight as an arrow as far as I know. I’m friends with several of the local cops. They never mentioned anything involving him. I think Tyler knows he has a shot at the big time and doesn’t want to screw it up. He’s an Honor Roll student.”

“You seem to know a lot about him,” said White.

“He’s sort of a local sports hero. He’s nationally ranked at his position. And he won the state heavyweight wrestling title as a sophomore. Now he concentrates on football.”

“Sounds like a real stud,” said Decker.

White said, “Decker played at Ohio State, and then for the Cleveland Browns. But I’m not going to hold that against him.”

Andrews looked up at the huge Decker. “Is that right? The Cleveland Browns? And then you became a cop? Odd career trajectory.”