“And the last time you actually saw her?”

“A couple of days before that. We had a drink, down near the courthouse.”

“Did she seem okay, nothing troubling her?”

“No, she was fine.”

“You practiced at that court?”

“Yes, but never before Julia, of course.”

“I understand from your husband that a former client threatened you?”

“Yes, Gerald Garvey. He’s the sort that gives defense attorneys a bad name. I knew he was guilty, but he was entitled to legal representation. I got him a sweetheart deal, but he didn’t see it that way.”

“And you hired Gamma Protection?”


“How did you hear of them?”

“I think it was someone at the courthouse. Plus, they’re a well-known firm.”

“Did you know Alan Draymont? Your husband didn’t know if he was one of the people who guarded you.”

Decker held up the picture of Draymont.

“Yes, he looks familiar. But, as you alluded to, there were several different people who protected us. Men and women. I don’t remember all their names. They had credentials and everything, and we were sent a secure email with their names and pictures to verify their identities.”

“Can you look up those emails?”

Trevor interjected, “Surely, you can get those details from Gamma?”

“You’d think, wouldn’t you? But they’re having somepersonnelproblems right now.”

She said, “I can look later. Right now, I just need to go lie down. This has been a terrible shock.”

She rose and her husband stood with her. “I think that’s all for now,” he said.

He escorted Decker to the door and closed it firmly behind him.

Decker took in the sunshine and felt the warmth and heard the ocean and then thethwackof a golf ball from somewhere. On a cart path that cut through the trees, two people in their sixties rode past on bikes and waved at another couple drifting by from the other direction on their spiffy, decked-out golf cart. They all looked happy, content.

Decker walked back to his car.

I’m never moving here.


AS HE WAS ABOUT TOdrive off, his phone buzzed. He didn’t recognize the number.


“Please hold for Ms. Roe.”

A moment later a familiar voice said, “Mr. Decker, it’s Kasimira Roe. I wonder if we can meet?”

“I’m game. We didn’t really finish the first time, did we?”