“I need something more definitive than that. Were you able to find those emails from Gamma with the security personnel on them?”

“Yes, I can forward them to you.”

He gave her his email address. “Thanks. That should confirm whether Draymont guarded you.”

“Anything else?”

“Not for right now. You two will be in town for a while?”

“We were planning to be. But with a murder right next door?”

“Well, if you do decide to go somewhere, can you let me know first?”

“Why? Wait a minute, we’re not suspects, are we?”

“We checked with the airlines. They confirmed you had flown to New York and returnedafterthe murders.”

“We were visiting my grown children from my first marriage. They both live there. They can certainly confirm we were there the entire week.”

“Okay. But I might have to ask you some more questions.”

She held up her phone. “Well, that’s what we have this for, isn’t it? With it, you can reach me pretty much anywhere on earth.”

She rose. “Good night, Agent Decker.”


M?RS. KLINE?” DECKER WAS KNOCKINGon the woman’s door again. “Doris?”

He took a step back and peered up at the face of the house. Her car was still in the driveway. He tried the door, but it was locked.

He walked around back and opened the gate. The upper deck where Kline had been sitting when she noticed Cummins’s door open was unoccupied. He opened the door to the lanai and froze.

In the pool water something was floating. Or someone.


He stepped onto the lanai for a better look. It looked like Doris Kline; he couldn’t tell for sure. She was facedown.

He rushed forward, knelt down, and grabbed her arm.

She came out of the water, screaming her head off, until she saw who it was.

A stunned Decker let go of her arm and fell back on his butt on the pool surround. Kline went under but came back up a moment later, sputtering and spitting out water.

When Kline saw him sitting there, she exclaimed, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I thought you were dead.”

“I wasmeditating. I meditate in the water.”

“Facedown, at this time of night?”

“My house, my rules. And a shrink I once dated told me about it. It’s like being in one of those floater tanks. Well, I can’t afford that, so I just use my pool. I float on my back and then flip over and hold my breath. I’m hoping it will improve my lung function. And you’re lucky because I usually do this in the buff.”

“Stopping smoking willreallyimprove your lungs.”

“I’ve stopped more times than I can count.”