Decker stopped and turned. “Lancer and Draymont were both killed in the exact same way and placed in the exact same spot. So, in life, they must have had a direct connection. And we need to find out exactly what that connection is. Now, we know that Draymont had been to Lancer’s house. They might have had a relationship of some kind. But theyworkedtogether, that’s the low-hanging fruit.”

“But Gamma didn’t tell us anything before,” argued Andrews.

“That’snotan option the second time around,” replied Decker.


IT WAS THE SAME CONFERENCEroom, but the only Gamma person in it this time was Kasimira Roe. She was again dressed all in black, as though in mourning. And she had a tissue in one hand.

“Alice was moving up rapidly. She reminded me of myself in some ways.”

Decker, White, and Andrews were seated on the opposite side of the table.

“I can’t believe she was killed. And then put where Alan Draymont was.” She looked at Decker. “Did she, was the money…?”

He said nothing but his look was probably enough.

“How can I help you?” said Roe.

“You can start with telling us about the working relationship Draymont and Lancer had. We already know that Draymont would stay over at her place sometimes.”

“I…I didn’t know about that.”

“Do you have a no-fraternization policy at Gamma?” asked White.

“We do, as a matter of fact.”

“Then they probably kept their relationship secret.”

“I wonder what else they kept secret?” said Decker.

“What do you mean?” asked Roe.

“Judge Cummins didn’t hire your firm. Yet Lancer volunteered to come in here and tell us about…what, exactly?”

“Oh, I see what you mean. If Draymont wasn’t over there guarding the judge, then what could Alice know about it?”

“Unless they were taking jobs on the side, but I would imagine they’re prohibited from doing that,” observed White.

“Yes, they are. Our agents are full-time employees. No freelancing is allowed. It would be a liability nightmare.”

“I would think so,” said Decker. “But before she could tell us anything she faints, gets taken to the hospital, and two fake plainclothes show up and whisk her away. At first I thought it was planned out by her. But now I’m thinking maybe those fake cops weren’t her friends.”

“You…you think they killed her?”

“If they did, they did it in a way that brought it right back to your doorstep.”

“What was Draymont doing there unless he was guarding the judge?” asked Roe.

Decker said, “What he was doing there was personal, about as personal as it gets.”

Roe looked confused for a moment, but then her eyes widened. “You mean…?”

“Yes, I do.”

“But then why kill the judge? Because she was a witness?”

“Let’s keep the focus on Draymont and Lancer. I take it they worked together here?”