“I just bought an Italian villa in Tuscany. Sherry and I will spend the summers there.”

“Congratulations. Please have a seat.”

The men faced off in the chairs.

McIntosh laid his paper aside but did drain the rest of his gin.

“I’ve been traveling,” said Blue Man.

“Oh really? Where? I hope somewhere nice. South of France? Rome? Sydney?”


“Oh, very nice.”

“London,North Dakota.”

McIntosh set the empty glass down on a table next to his chair. To his credit, his hand remained sure and steady, noted Blue Man.

“Did you enjoy your time there, wherever that is? North Dakota, you said?”

“It was instructive. But surely your memory fails you?”

“Come again?”

Blue Man slid an envelope and a small digital recorder from his pocket. He took his time opening the envelope and slipped out a number of photos. “You look distinguished in these photos, Patrick. It was quite hot that night, if I recall. Your colleague, or more accurately yourcoconspirator, Colonel Mark Sumter, decided not to dress in uniform, it was so toasty. He opted for civilian clothes.”

McIntosh glanced at the photos as Blue Man fanned them out but said nothing in reply.

Next, Blue Man set the recorder down and hit the start button. The conversation between McIntosh and Sumter wafted over the small room.

When it was finished, Blue Man shut off the machine and settled back in his chair.


“Well what?”

“Do you not feel that explanations are in order?”

“Not at all,” said McIntosh offhandedly.

“I see. Well then, let me speak for a bit and see if what I have to say prompts you to rethink that answer.”

“I doubt that it will.”

Blue Man said, “Guantanamo hasn’t accepted any new prisoners since 2008. The current cost of the remaining prisoners there, all one hundred of them, is around one point three billion and change.”

McIntosh picked a piece of lint off his sleeve. “Is it? My goodness. Hardly a bargain to house savages like that.”

“Granted. But it isauthorized.”

McIntosh flicked away the piece of lint. “Are we done here yet? Because, frankly, I’m not following any of this.”

“You’re on the board of Vector Security.”

“I know I am. A wonderful, patriotic company.”

“With only one contract approved by the government. Namely, to operate the Douglas S. George Defense Complex, aka London Air Force Station.”