“What do they do at those places?”

“The question is what did they do whenDanielswas in the military.” He paused. “And there’s something else. From his service record, I learned that Purdy spent time at Beale and Rocky Mountain Arsenal.”

“Okay, that’s a definite connection.”

“And that’s not all. The printed pages we found in his closet of the military facilities? They’re all places that Daniels has pins from.”

“I would definitely call that a big clue,” replied Jamison.

She saw Decker glancing in the side mirror. She did the same in the rearview. “I don’t see anybody back there,” she said.

“I was just checking, after last time.”

They arrived back in London. Decker and Jamison went immediately to her hotel room, where Jamison logged on to her computer.

Decker had given her Daniels’s hat with all of the pins, and she had searched each of them online.

Twenty minutes later she was finished and sat back. She glanced at Decker, her face pale and her expression one of slight panic. “They all have one common denominator from the time period that Daniels worked there.”

Decker nodded. He had been looking and reading over her shoulder. “Back then all those facilities were involved in developing chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.”

“It apparently all began during World War II. We didn’t have those types of weapons, but Germany did. So we started researching and developing them. Both the Army and the Air Force. The programs accelerated from the end of World War II through the Korean War and beyond. During that time the U.S. and the Soviet Union made enough of the stuff to kill everyone on earth. And that doesn’t include nukes,” said Jamison as she scrolled down the screen. “But then Nixon halted all such programs at the end of the sixties. All stores of such weapons were destroyed and the facilities that those programs operated were cleaned up and reassigned.”

“Only maybe some of them weren’t destroyed,” said Decker. “And maybe there was a facility that worked on them that wasn’t included in the list you just researched.”

“Meaning London Air Force Station?”

Decker nodded. “I think it was originally built not for radar array but for production of biochemical weapons. Then the place was converted into a radar installation, even though it duplicated what the other one did near Grand Forks. Hell, maybe they added on to it at that point, to make it look like the other facility. You know, a pyramid with a golf ball on top.”

“Until they started using it for a secret prison. What, do people just wait around to do something secret and illegal and then just plop it here?”

“You’re talking about the government, Alex, so anything is possible.”

“So is that the time bomb we’re all sitting on here? WMDs?”

“It’s a theory, but a good one. We just need to prove that it’s true.”

“And if it is true?”

“We need to find the WMDs.”

“Oh, no sweat. We can wrap this all up by tomorrow.”

When he didn’t respond to her sarcasm she glanced up at him. He was clearly lost in thought.

“Are you thinking of some way to actuallydothat?”

“We’ll need to alert Robie to what we found. Maybe they can get some people on it. But we have some angles to work, too.”

“Beginning with what?”

“London Air Force Station.”

“If they were making WMDs over there, I’m not sure I want to go there again.”

“But we will anyway,” replied Decker.

* * *