“No, but he is missing. So you did meet up with him?”

“What the hell is going on up there?”

“I’m trying to find that out. Did you mention to Purdy that the London facility was used to work on biological and chemical weapons?”

“That’s classified, dammit. You said nothing you asked me would make me reveal classified information. You’re a big, fat liar, you are.”

“I know all about the program that went on up here and at other facilities around the country. Pine Bluff, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Fort Detrick.”

“Camp Detrick, least it was back then.” He fell silent. “So, you been read in, I see.”

“I have been. I have top secret security clearances.”

“What does this have to do with anything?”

“I’m not sure. But it seems that a lot of people are interested in it enough to kill other people. So it wasn’t a radar facility back then?”

“Not exactly.”

“But you worked with radar and such. Why would they send you there if it involved working on chemical weapons? You had no expertise in that.”

Decker heard a long sigh, and then Daniels said, “It wassupposedto be a radar facility, so they had to have radar people stationed there. Otherwise, it would look funny. So I was one of those guys. You know, keeping up pretenses.”

“Did you know that going in?”

“I didn’t know anything. I went where I was told.”

“Did you have anything to do with the work there?”

“Not really. Us radar guys learned pretty quick that something was up. I mean we weren’t running a radar facility, for starters, and we had been sworn to secrecy, even beyond what you normally are. We had to sign papers and stuff. Now, we knew the commies were in a nuke race with us. But we also knew the Germans had been making chemical weapons during the Big One and we had to play catch-up. That wasn’t a huge secret. So when we started seeing some of the stuff being brought into London? Well, I saw enough boxes marked with skulls and crossbones to know what was going on. And then they recruited us to do some stuff with what they were doing. I don’t mean making the shit. But I’d seen some of the labs they had down there.”

“You mean in the lower level of the pyramid building?” Decker asked.

“Yeah. They usually didn’t want us down there. We mainly worked on security and keeping up the facility, stuff like that. But occasionally, as time went on, we were sent down there to do some tasks. And we had to put on masks and special suits and crap like that.”

“Did you see any of the stuff that came out of there?”

“Yeah, we helped put it in these special storage rooms in these bombproof containers. Scared the crap out of me, I can tell you. They had warning signs all over the place: ‘Highly toxic,’ ‘Do not touch,’ ‘Never take your masks and goggles off,’ stuff like that. Even with that some of the guys got sick. I mean inadvertently. They never tested stuff on anybody, nothing like that. This is the good, old U.S. of A. We don’t do that shit.”

“Anything else?”

Daniels didn’t answer.

“Mr. Daniels, anything else? It’s important.”

Daniels didn’t respond and Decker decided to just let the silence linger. He wanted Daniels to feel the moment, to let him understand that something momentous was happening and he could be an integral part of it. If he would just open up.

Daniels said, “Then, sometime in the late sixties, it all went away. They closed up shop and then we started using the facility as a radar station. I got to do what I was trained to do. It was really exciting stuff. We were protecting our country from the commies.”

“So they took all the ‘stuff’ away?”

“That’s right.”

“Now, can you tell me about your talk with Purdy, the young man you met at the event?”

“He was a nice young guy. Stationed where I had been. He had proper security clearances. We had a lot in common. We hit it off. We had a couple drinks even. Made me feel young again.”

“And then what?”