“And the opportunity comes from the fact that he was one of the last people to see McClellan alive and he has no alibi for the time he was killed,” added Decker.

“But you’d think he’d have tried to come up with an alibi,” remarked Kelly. “I mean, the TOD on carbon monoxide poisoning is never going to be to the minute. He could have stuck the guy in the car and then gone someplace where there were other people to see him.”

“But he probably assumed it would never be seen as anything other than a suicide,” countered Decker. “So why bother with an alibi?”

Kelly didn’t look convinced by this, but he said, “Look, I know this toxin stuff casts a whole new light on things. There has to be more to it than suicide, I’ll agree with you on that. So you want to go talk to Hugh again?”

“Yeah, and right now would be a good time.”

“And what about Shane?” asked Decker.

“We checked his alibi. At all relevant times he was out of town getting fracking supplies a good five hours from here. People where he was confirmed it. I told you he had nothing to do with it.”

“Well, that’s something,” said Decker.


They turned to see Caroline Dawson striding toward them, a fierce look on her features.

“Oh boy, she does not look happy,” said the detective nervously.

She reached them and she stood face-to-face with Kelly. “You son of a bitch.”

“What did I do?” he said, taking a step back.

“My father sold out to McClellan, everything. And you knew all about it. And you didn’t tell me? I thought we were friends.”

“Caroline, look, we, I mean, you have to understand—” He looked desperately at Decker for help.

Decker said, “We were the ones to find out, and then we told Joe.”

Caroline didn’t take her eyes off Kelly. “So youdidknow? Just say it, you did know?”

“Yes, I did.”

“And Maddie’s, too? That’s gone as well?”

“Yes. Look, I was going to tell you but your father said—”

“Thanks for nothing.” She slapped him, turned, and strode off.

Kelly rubbed his cheek where she had hit him. “Did I mention that she has a temper?”

“Boy, I would not want to be her father,” said Jamison.

“Speaking of, let’s go talk to him right now,” said Decker. “There might be nothing left of him by the time Caroline finishes with him. We need to beat her to it.”

ON THE DRIVE OUT, Decker asked Kelly, “What made Shane come back here?”

Kelly eyed him. “This was his hometown.”

“I understand that he was close to his mother but she had died by then, correct?”

“She had, yeah.”

“And he didn’t really care for his father. So why come back here and work for the guy?”

“Why don’t you ask him?”