“Don’t hold your breath,” said Decker. “I suppose you heard about Hugh Dawson?”

Baker nodded, looking sad. “I tried to visit Caroline at the hospital, but they said she was still medicated and asleep. How’s she doing?”

“It’s going to take time,” said Jamison. “She’s been through a lot.”

“Shane lost his father, but it wasn’t the same situation,” noted Decker. “Although we’ve learned Hugh was no saint.”

“Considering Hugh Dawson killed McClellan, I think they both have it pretty bad,” Jamison countered.

“What the hell are you talking about?” exclaimed Baker.

Decker quickly explained what had happened.

Baker sipped his beer, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Guess it shows you money can’t buy happiness. I mean those two were rolling in it, and now they’re both dead and won’t enjoy a penny of it.”

Decker looked up as the door opened and in walked Kelly, Shane, Liz Southern, and, surprisingly, a tired-looking Caroline Dawson.

“Look who’s all together again,” commented Jamison.

“The sister and her two honorary brothers,” added Decker.

“Brothers who would rather be something else, you mean,” countered Jamison.

Kelly spotted them and led the others over to their table.

Baker stood and reached a hand out to Dawson. “I tried to see you at the hospital, but you were asleep, Caroline. I’m so sorry about, well, everything.”

“Thank you, Stan, that’s very kind of you,” she said, her voice low and unnaturally slow.

To Decker, her unfocused eyes and feeble manner showed that she was not yet fully recovered from her ordeal.

Jamison, noting this, said, “Are you sure you should be out? You look like you should still be in the hospital.”

Southern said, “I told her that until I was hoarse, but she wouldn’t listen.”

Dawson said, “I didn’t want to stay there anymore. I was feeling claustrophobic.”

Shane interjected, “The docs said it was okay. She just needs to take it easy.”

“Do you want us to drive you to your condo?” asked Jamison.

Dawson said, “No, I’m going to go up to my room here, and—”

Kelly said quickly, “You want me to come with you?”

“Or I can,” added Shane.

“No. I’ll be fine, thanks, guys.” She looked at Southern. “Thanks for coming to stay with me at the hospital, Liz. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

“Sleep well,” said Southern kindly.

She headed off as they all watched. Then Shane, Southern, and Kelly sat down at the table.

“She doesn’t look good,” said Baker.

“Well, she’s been through hell and back,” said Southern defensively.

“Shane has, too,” pointed out Kelly. “Lost his dad and all.” He glanced at Shane. “And consideringhowhe died.”