“I . . . I need you to finish telling us, Liz.”

Southern nodded and took a few moments to compose her thoughts. “Some people’s love can be wonderful, but when it’s not reciprocated, it can turn to something else. Something that is hateful and destructive.”

“So are you saying that Maddie Dawson knew of Stuart’s infatuation and, what, cut him off at the knees?” said Decker.

“I think that’s exactly what happened. And a man like Stuart would not take rejection well.”

“I can see that,” said Jamison.

A moment of silence passed before Decker said, “So that would be his motive to kill her? In retaliation for being spurned?”

“Kill her rather than lose her,” amended Southern.

“And Hugh Dawson?” asked Jamison.

“If Katherine noticed Stuart’s attraction to Maddie, I can’t help but believe he did, too. And if he thought Stuart had anything to do with her death . . . ?”

“But why kill him now?” said Jamison.

Southern shrugged. “He had sold out to him. I doubt he was going to be staying here. This might have been his last chance.”

Jamison said, “Hedidmention moving away to France. He told us he hoped Caroline would come with him.”

Dawson glanced uncertainly at Southern and then at Decker. “I feel like my entire world has turned upside down.”

“I can understand that,” said Decker.

“What are you going to do now?” asked Southern.

“Find a killer,” said Decker. “It’s the only reason we’re here.”

“SO ANY THOUGHTSon how to catch the killer?” asked Jamison.

They were in her room at the hotel. Decker hadn’t spoken a word since they had left the saloon.

Decker didn’t answer right away. “Let’s get back to basics: motive, means, and opportunity.”

“Well, Caroline had the motive to kill her father. She stands to inherit, and she was also furious with him for selling out. But she didn’t have the opportunity. We saw her in town around the time Dawson was killed. So she’s ruled out. Now, Shane, I guess, could have a motive to kill his father, because he stands to inherit, but he also has an alibi for the time McClellan was killed. The exotic toxin came from a place Hugh frequented. I doubt anyone else around here visits Australia on a regular basis. And even though you think Dawson didn’t kill himself, that doesn’t mean he didn’t kill McClellan. From what Liz Southern told us tonight, he might have had a motive if he thought McClellan had killed his wife. He wanted revenge.”

Without a word, Decker got up and walked to the door.

A stunned Jamison said, “Where are you going?”

“For a walk.”


“I need to think. Something here just doesn’t make sense.”

After he left, Jamison slumped back on her bed in obvious frustration, put a pillow over her face, and screamed into it.

* * *

It was chilly and windy, and Decker stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked along the dark and mostly empty streets of London. The most difficult thing about this case was there were too many angles to adequately grab even one for long. They had been entirely reactive, instead of proactive. Every time he felt he was gaining traction, another event would force them into an entirely new direction. Part of that was happenstance, he was sure. And he was also certain that part of it was intentional.

He entered the OK Corral Saloon once more, took a seat at the bar, and ordered a beer. When it came he cradled it, closed his eyes for a few moments, and went over everything in his head.

Irene Cramer was dead.