Robie said, “It’s a shell, owned by another shell incorporated in Bermuda that is, in turn, owned by another shell we ran to ground in London. After that, the trail vanished.”

“And with North Dakota fracking off-line, what would that do to this country’s energy independence?”

“It wouldn’t help it. And the price of certain types of crude and even natural gas would have spiked.”

“So that helps other energy-producing countries,” said Decker.

“The Middle East, Russia, Canada, Venezuela.”

“I don’t see the Canadians behind this. And Venezuela is imploding right now.”

“So either the sheiks or Putin then,” opined Robie.

“Or maybe both,” said Decker. “The world has produced some strange bedfellows lately, and Russia has made inroads into that part of the world, for sure. But they had to have local operatives here, to get the lay of the land, do the deal to get the property, and set up the whole thing while at the same time keeping under the radar.”

Robie took a swallow of his beer. “I think that makes a lot of sense. So how do you get to the finish line?”

“We keep digging. It’s all we can do.”

“Ben Purdy was digging and it cost him. And his mother.”

“Yes, it did,” said Decker. “But I’ve still been wondering how Purdy—” He stopped and set his beer down.

“What is it?” When Decker didn’t answer, Robie said more urgently, “Decker!”

Decker looked at him. “Shit, I’ve been looking at this thing totally bass-ackwards.”

“How so?”

“We gotta go.”

“Go where?” asked Robie.

“To Hal Parker’s place.”

ON THE DRIVE OUTin Robie’s vehicle, Decker said, “I just assumed that Purdy had been told the story of the bunker by Brad Daniels and then started doing some digging, ran into the wrong people, and that sealed his fate.”

“Well, we’ve all been thinking that.”

“But that doesn’t mean we’re right.”

“Lay out your theory for me,” said Robie.

“You said that Brad Daniels told you he divulged everything to Purdy.”

“That’s right. I don’t think he held anything back. He was about to do the same for us when we got attacked.”

Decker said, “Okay, let’s look at the situation fully and not piecemeal. Purdy’s a veteran member of the Air Force, trained and experienced.”


“And he’s attending a military event where he’s just been told by someone who used to work at the very same installation decades ago that there’s the possibility of a bunker full of biochemical weapons buried on land belonging to the Air Force. That is a clear and present danger to everyone in the area. A real national security risk if ever there was one. Agreed?”


“Okay, if you were in Purdy’s position, with his experience, and you had learned all of that, what would you do?”

“I would report it to my superior officer and let them worry about it. It’s just common sense and also how someone like Purdy would naturally react.”