“Kelly, wait,” called out Decker.

But the man disappeared from view.

“Where are Liz and Caroline?” cried out Jamison.

Decker ran to the shattered window and looked outside. “I can’t see anything, but their cars are out front. It’s the only way out.”

They clambered over the debris and ran out of the house.

No one was near the vehicles parked in front.

“What the hell!” exclaimed Decker. “Where did they go?”

They heard an engine start up. A few moments later, Cramer’s Honda raced from the outbuilding. They ran toward it even as it bore down on them.

At the last possible second, Decker went one way and Jamison the other.

Then shots were fired. Decker looked up from the ground to see Kelly standing in the middle of the one road leading out, his left arm dangling uselessly next to his torso and the other curled around his service pistol, which he was emptying into the car’s front windshield on the driver’s side.

“Kelly, look out,” screamed Jamison.

The car lurched to the right and appeared ready to miss Kelly, but then it straightened out and continued to bear down on him.

Kelly launched himself sideways, a second too late, as the edge of the right bumper clipped his leg and sent him flying.

He landed hard in a heap twenty feet away and didn’t move.

The Honda, cracked windshield and all, stopped, backed up, and turned. Now it was heading right toward Decker. He stood and aimed his pistol.

Jamison did the same.

Before either of them could fire, a heavy round hit the car dead center of the front grille and it exploded. The Honda was lifted off the ground before slamming back down to the dirt.

Before Decker could move, a man came to stand next to him, his long gun in hand.

Robie said, “You okay?”

Decker nodded.

Jessica Reel appeared and helped Jamison up. “Nothing broken?” she said.

“I’m good,” replied Jamison before seeing Kelly writhing in pain on the ground. She hustled over to him and cried out, “Call 911. Hurry!”

Decker pulled out his phone but Reel barked, “Ambulance is already coming. One minute away. We figured it might be needed when you told us to be here tonight as backup.”

Decker, Robie, and Reel stared at the Honda. It was no longer mobile, so they weren’t worried about it coming at them. But no one had gotten out of the vehicle, either.

Both Robie’s rifle and Reel’s pistol were pointed at the car.

Decker called out, “Liz, come out of the car. Now!”

Seconds passed and then the passenger door opened. Southern climbed out with a gun pressed against Dawson’s head.

When Robie and Reel started to move forward, Decker called out, “Wait. Just . . . wait.”

The two women moved in front of the Honda.

“Put the gun down, now,” barked Robie. Both his and Reel’s weapons were pointed directly at Southern’s head.