“It’s not a bad thing for people to do from time to time. Clean out the crap.”

This caused Decker to look at the man. “You never struck me as being a philosopher.”

“Is that what you call it?”

“I don’t know. First thing that popped into my head.”

“I guess I can see that.”

“People often feel the need to give me advice,” said Decker, a bite to his words.

Robie nodded slowly. “I felt the same way, until I realized I had never followed any of that advice, and then suddenly I was in a place I didn’t want to be.”

“And are you out of that place now?”

“Not even close. But just think where I’d be if I hadn’t even considered other possibilities.” A few moments of quiet passed before Robie rose and said, “I’ll leave you to it.”

He headed to the front of the jet.

Decker called after him. “Going to Memorial Bridge after we land?”

“Always.” He glanced back. “Everyone needs a . . . place, right?”

NEARLY THREE HOURS LATER, the jet touched down in DC and rolled to a stop. After deplaning, the four said their good-byes.

Jamison shook Robie’s and Reel’s hands. “I hope this isn’t the last time we see you.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” said Reel, her eyes twinkling. “We usually only show up when the world is about to end.”

“Well, if it is, I wouldn’t mind you having our backs.”

Decker shook Reel’s hand, then turned to Robie and said, “Enjoy your Memorial Bridge time.”

“And you enjoy wherever you end up going for your ‘quiet time.’ ”

* * *

As Decker and Jamison were heading to the terminal, she said, “I don’t think I ever want to go back to North Dakota.”

“Hey, don’t hold it against the state. And Kelly, Shane, and Caroline will have it in tip-top shape in no time.”

She glanced at him. “But I still don’t understand how you could call this case simple. Look at everything you figured out, everything you said back at Liz’s place.”

“But the critical part that allowed me to grab the end of the chain and run with it? That was simple.”

“What do you mean?”

“Greed, Alex, one of the oldest motives in the book. It explains everything Liz did.”

“I think there’s one more thing to add to that, Decker.”

“What’s that?” he said, looking at her in surprise.

“Maybe theoldestmotive in the book to hurt someone else.”

“Which is?”

“Love,” she said simply. “Liz’s twisted, terrible love for Caroline. But love all the same.”