“There was a brother, Hugh Jr. He was older than Caroline.”

“What happened to him?”

“He, uh, he killed himself. This was a number of years ago.”

“My God. Do you know why?”

“His father and him didn’t see eye to eye on some things and it just got out of hand. I guess depression set in and that . . . was that.”

“Care to elaborate?” asked Decker.

“Not really, no. I don’t like telling stories out of school, and it has nothing to do with the case.”

“And Dawson’s wife?”

“She died a few years ago. In an accident.”

“Caroline mentioned being involved in her father’s businesses,” said Jamison.

He nodded. “Hugh’s training her to take over one day. She’s really smart. Went to college out of state. And then came back here to begin her ‘apprenticeship.’ ”

“She seemed more of a party girl when we met her,” noted Jamison.

“She works hard and she’s ambitious. Shewasa right little hellion in her teens. But she knows she has the golden egg in front of her and she’s not about to screw that up. Then again, Hugh’s only sixty and in good health, far as I know. He won’t be retiring anytime soon.”

“It sounds like you know her well,” observed Decker.

Kelly looked thoughtful. “We grew up together, were pretty close all the way through high school. But I don’t think anyone really knows Caroline. She can be fun on the outside, but most never get to see her inner core. At least that’s my observation.”

“And her father?” asked Jamison.

“Hugh Dawson is a big, gregarious man who likes to come across as just a regular guy despite his wealth. He’ll make you laugh. But if you cross him he’ll make you cry instead. Not a man you want to get on the wrong side of.”

“So what’s the deal with this military complex?” interjected Decker. “Who works there?”

“It used to be a mix of folks. Military and contractors. But a year or so ago the military outsourced all the operations to a contractor. They have their own fire station, bowling alley, and even a bar. An Air Force colonel still commands the installation—Mark Sumter.”

“Ever had any problems over there?”

“Nothing serious.”

“You know this Sumter guy?”

“Yeah. He’s been here about a year. But why all the questions about that place?”

“Woman gets butchered and there’s a sensitive government facility nearby? It’s at least worth a look.” He glanced at Jamison, who said, “And it might explain why the FBI got called in.”

“And Cramer came here about a year ago, too, same as this Colonel Sumter,” added Decker.

Kelly nodded slowly. “Okay, yeah, I can see that. Maybe.”

“Somaybeyou can arrange an interview and visit,” said Decker.

“I’ll make a call, sure.”

They dropped Kelly off, and Decker and Jamison returned to their hotel. As they walked in, Decker’s phone buzzed. He looked spooked as he stared at the screen.

“Who is it?” asked Jamison, noting his expression. “Bogart?”