Relieved, he said, “So areyouseeing anyone?”

“Yeah, my four kids. Motherhood is sort of a full-time gig. But once I have some time getting to know myself again, and actually taking care of some of my needs, I intend to find some companionship. Don’t know if I’ll ever take the plunge again. How about you?”

“How about me what?”

“Are you seeing anyone?”

“I keep pretty busy, too. Look, I gotta go. Something’s come up.”

“Goodtalkingto you, little brother,” said Renee sarcastically.

Decker clicked off and rejoined Jamison.

“How’d it go?” she asked anxiously.

Decker started to say something but then shut his mouth, turned, and walked off.

Jamison watched him go and then said under her breath, “That good, huh?”

DECKER ANDJAMISON GRABBEDan early dinner at the hotel.

“I checked the weather outside. It’s down to eighty-one with a thousand percent humidity. Winter is clearly upon us,” added Jamison, attempting a smile.

Decker put down his menu. “It’s like Mark Twain said, everybody complains about the weather, but no one ever does a damn thing about it.”

After the waitress took their orders and departed Jamison said, “So why don’t you tell me how it went with your sister?” She gave him a look. “If youremember,you just walked off without a word.”

Decker sighed. “She said she’s doing fine financially. Her focus is on the kids and she said they’re handling it okay. When things slow down a bit she’s going to concentrate on her own well-being.”

“Well, that’s smart. And Stan?”

“She said it was amicable and he’s been very supportive.”

“I guess not all divorces are that easy. So, good for them.”

Decker said, “Did you ever consider getting married again?”

“If you can believe it, I never ran into Mr. Right, which includes my ex-husband.”

“I’m sure you had suitors.”

“How very old-fashioned of you. I had men who werepursuingme, yes. What they were pursuing me for, well, I don’t think it was marriage.”

Decker held up a hand. “Okay, sorry I asked.”

“I speak my mind. I’m independent. And some guys find that a turn-off.” She paused. “Although I seem to have no problem playing second fiddle to you.”

Decker looked surprised at her statement. “I wouldn’t describe it that way. I rub people the wrong way. Sometimes that works, other times not. You’re good at rebalancing things.”

“So we make a good team, you think?”

He seemed startled by the query. “Yes. Don’t you?”

She patted his hand. “Don’t worry, I’m not looking to get a new partner. I’m just now breaking you in.”

“Can anybody join the party or is it totally private?”

They looked up to see Caroline Dawson standing next to their table. She was dressed far more conservatively than the last time they had seen her. A modest white blouse buttoned to her neck, black slacks, low pumps, and her hair pulled back. Her makeup was minimal but her personality was as effervescent as the first time they had met.