“When I first came here I was just a run-of-the-mill oil field hand. I ran pipe and worked drilling rigs with all the youngsters. Then, when they found out I had real experience, they put me in charge of monitoring operations at some of the rigs. I get to sit in a trailer and watch computer screens. I’ll show you sometime if you want.”

“That’ll be great, Stan. I appreciate that.”

Baker smiled.

“What?” asked Decker.

“This is the most I’ve seen and talked to you since you graduated from college and went pro.”

“Right,” said Decker. “So tell me about Caroline Dawson.”

Baker looked embarrassed. “I know, you’re thinking what is a rich, smart, beautiful, young gal doing with a big old lug like me?”

“That wasn’t what I was thinking.”

“You’re a bad liar.”


“So I came into this bar one day and there she was. Hell, she was mixing drinks. I thought she was just a bartender earning her daily bread here.”

“Why would she be mixing drinks?”

“Her father owns the bar.”

“I didn’t know that, but I guess it makes sense. But surely, she doesn’t need the money.”

“She likes to get her hands dirty with all the lines of work they’re involved in. She’s done maid service at some of the hotels and apartment buildings, cashiering at some of the stores, even drove a semi. She has her CDL,” added Baker, referring to a commercial driver’s license.

Decker looked impressed. “Okay. That speaks well of her.”

“Anyway, I ordered a beer from her, not even knowing who she was. Of course, all these young, drunk punks were hitting on her all night, but she kept her cool. She seemed interested in me, maybe because I wasn’t hitting on her. And also because I knew some of the punks and told them to back off. She asked questions and I told her a little bit about myself. Showed her pictures of the kids. Then she told me what time her shift ended.”

“Why did she do that? Did she want to meet up with you later?”

“No. And she only told me becauseIasked. She seemed a little put off by that, like Iwashitting on her. But then I told her I just wanted to make sure she got home okay because those punks were not leaving well enough alone. She told me she had her car outside. It’s a sweet ride. A Porsche SUV with these special wide tires and fancy tread. Her father bought it for her birthday. Of course, I only found out about that later.”

“Okay, what happened?”

“I was waiting across the street from the bar when she came out. Just to be sure. Two of the punks who’d been harassing her followed her out. She told them to get lost but they were drunk and wouldn’t listen. It started to get dicey. Them pawing her, and I was afraid it might move on to something really bad. So I ran across and . . . well, persuaded them to leave her alone.”

Decker smiled. “And how exactly did you do that, Stan?”

“Mostly by knocking them out cold. I don’t think they expected that from a guy my age. Anyway, Caroline was really grateful, and . . . and, well,sheaskedmeout. Couldn’t believe it. Never had a gal do that, not even Renee and she’s no shrinking violet. So we see each other from time to time. I’m not in her league, but, well, she makes me feel good about myself, I guess. And she’s fun. I guess everybody deserves to have some fun, right?”

“Absolutely. Have you met her father?”

“No. And we’ve never, I mean we haven’t, you know.”

“Slept together?”

“Right. We’re just friends.”

“Full disclosure, I followed you here that first night. She was hanging all over you.”

“The gal likes to have fun. But I’m in my fifties. Hell, I could be her father.”

“Hasn’t stopped people in the past.”