“SUMTER HASN’T GOTTEN BACKto me,” said Kelly as he joined Decker and Jamison by prearrangement in the lobby of their hotel. He had on a gray two-piece suit and white shirt, but instead of scuffed boots he wore black loafers.

“That’s telling,” said Decker.

“The DoD works like a glacier, at least that’s been my experience.”

“Sumter came here about a year ago?”

“That’s right, when the operation of the facility transitioned.”

“What do you know about Vector?”

“Not much. But they got a lot of people over there. And most of them carry weapons. The very serious kind.”

“Got a question,” said Decker.


“Why all the ambulances over at the Air Force station? Sumter said it was a really safe place, no accidents, so I don’t see the need.”

Kelly looked at him shrewdly. “You asked that when we were over there.”

“And I didn’t get an answer. Thought I’d tee it up again.”

“You thinkI’msupposed to know?”

“Ithinkyou might have an opinion.”

“Well, the easiest answer is all military facilities prepare for worst case, so having ambulances there might just be for that reason.”

“And it might not. Lot of security there for a radar array. I mean, it’s not like someone can go in and steal that pyramid.”

“But they cansabotageit,” countered Kelly.

“Okay, I’ll give you that one,” conceded Decker.

“Why do you care about any of that?” asked Kelly.

“I care if there’s something going on over there that might be tied to Irene Cramer.”

“I don’t see a connection.”

“It’s our job to find one, if there is one.”

“Well, like I said, I’ve heard nothing back.”

“Then we have to move forward in other directions.”

“And where would that be?” asked Kelly.

“I’d like to go back to the Brothers’ Colony.”

“What do you expect to get there?”

“Irene Cramer worked there. We might have missed something. At the very least we can talk to other people. A lead might shake out from that.”

“I’ll give them a heads-up that we’re coming. But let’s tread carefully. They’ve all been hit hard by this.”

“I’m sure they have. And the sooner we solve this, the sooner they can get on with their lives. The not knowing probably isn’t good for them.”