Dawson and Baker were at the bar having a drink. Baker was dressed like Decker: khakis, white shirt, and a jacket that had seen better days. Dawson was glammed up in a turquoise dress with a leather belt, black tights, and low heels. Her hair was down around her shoulders. They moved over to their table and sat down.

Jamison looked around at the interior space that appeared both brand-new and very old but was fleshed out with thought and in spots even artistry. “Wow, this is really beautiful. Didn’t expect to see something like this here.” She shot Dawson an embarrassed glance. “I didn’t mean it that way, sorry.”

Decker gave her a funny look, leaned over, and whispered, “Think before you say something.”

Dawson smiled in understanding at Jamison’s remark. “No, I get that. This is actually my baby.”

“What?” exclaimed Jamison.

Baker grinned and said, “She runs the whole place, not her dad.”

“We spoke to your father,” said Decker.

“Why did you need to talk to him?”

“Just routine questioning.”

“So this is really your restaurant?” said Jamison, deftly changing the subject.

“My dad technically owns it but I worked out the financials, did the planning, the build-out, the hiring, everything from the utensil choices to the drapes to the types of gin in the bar. The place has a website and a social media platform, and we also cater and do special events.”

Jamison stared around the crowded space. “Well, if this is any indication, you’ve got a real winner.”

“We’re booked up for the next three months, in fact. It’s pretty much the only fine dining choice in town. I got the chef from Napa Valley.”

Baker added with a chuckle, “We only got a table tonight because she owns the place.”

She laughed and gripped his big hand. “Thing is, my dad thought I was crazy. He said don’t try to make this town into something it’s not.”

“Meaning?” said Decker.

“My father will always see London as a one-horse place that will never rise above that status. Even with all the wealth being generated by the fracking. But I see things differently. I think we’re past the boom and bust cycles. People aren’t just coming here to work and get rich and then get out. They’re coming to stay. I know the weather can be a real challenge, but it is in lots of places. And warmer spots are a short flight away. The point is, if you have nice things here people will want to stay and put down roots. And North Dakotans are nice people. Salt-of-the-earth types.”

“I’m a Midwesterner,” said Decker. “So I agree with that.”

“And with the money that’s here now, people can both afford and appreciate the amenities and service like I’ve tried to offer here.”

“I think it’s terrific,” said Jamison.

Baker raised his glass. “To terrific things.” He nodded at Dawson. “And terrific people.”

After they ordered their dinners Dawson asked about the investigation. “I heard there was another murder and that Hal Parker went missing.”

“That’s right. Pamela Ames. She used to live at the Brothers’ Colony,” said Jamison.

“But why would someone have wanted to kill her?” asked Baker.

“Could be wrong place, wrong time, if Parker was the target.”

“But why wouldhebe a target?” asked Dawson.

Decker said, “Did either of you know Pamela Ames?”

Baker shook his head, but Dawson said, “I worked with Milton Ames on some business matters. I knew Pamela was his daughter, but I wasn’t friends with her.”

“But why was Ames at Hal Parker’s in the first place?” asked Baker.

“They might have known each other,” said Jamison vaguely, shooting a glance at Decker. Shifting gears, she said to Dawson, “We went to see your father at his home. It’s beautiful.”