“So maybe she was just lucky she wasn’t there.”

“But she’s dead now, because she was a scapegoat for Hawkins’s murder, because she had a motive to kill him.”

“But what would David Katz or Don Richards know that would get them killed?”

“Rachel Katz has a lot of projects going on around town, with money behind her. She’s obviously very ambitious. And she wasn’t there that night either, which meant she got to live.”

“That doesn’t make her a murderer, Decker. In fact, it might make her a target now if people are tying up loose ends from thirteen years ago.”

“Well, nine times out of ten, when a spouse dies, it’s the other spouse doing the killing. I don’t think that was the case with Susan Richards, but it could very well be the case with Rachel Katz.”

“Good enough reason never to get married,” quipped Mars.

“Don’t tell Harper that.”

“Like I said, we’re just having fun. Don’t need a marriage license to do that.”

“Well, I think I need to have another talk with Rachel Katz.”

“You want me to come along?”

Decker studied his friend. “Yeah, I do. It might really help.”


“You’re a lot cooler than I am and far better-looking. And you’re rich on top of it. So I think Rachel Katz will be thrilled to meet you.”