“I have partners with their own cash. They bring the money, I bring the local know-how. I put the deals together and execute on the plan. My background as a CPA really comes in handy. This is our eighth project together in just the last three years. And we’re going to be expanding this same club concept to other cities in other states.”

“Long-range strategy. That’s a good thing. If you can streamline supply chains and consolidate your backroom and marketing operations, you can gain some economies of scale as you grow the business.”

She looked at him with a new level of respect. “Exactly. So, you’re here as Decker’s friend, but are you helping him with the investigation?”

“I guess I’m a sounding board for the guy. He’s Sherlock Holmes and I’m his Dr. Watson.”

“Is he really that good?”

“The FBI thinks so. And I’ve seen him do some incredible things. And somebody tried to kill the guy, twice. So there must be something to hide, right?”

“God, I didn’t know that.”

Mars flexed his injured arm. “Dude cut me up too before he got away.”

“Oh my God, you poor thing.”

“Nothing too bad. I’m good to go.”

“Any idea who the man is?”

“Not yet. But they’ll keep looking till they find him.”

“You want another drink? On the house.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Yes I do, Melvin.”

He grinned. “Okay, thanks. Same, straight up.”

She rose and walked over to the bar.

Mars sat there, his head swaying to the music, seemingly not having a care in the world. He moved his mouth as though singing the lyrics of the song being played. “You hear everything okay, Decker?”

“Loud and clear. She seems to really like you.”

“She’s a beautiful, sexy lady, but she’s not my type.”

“What’s your type?”

“She just seems a little too ruthless for my tastes. Money is her thing. But it’s not mine.”

“Easy to say since you have so much of it.”

“Okay, you got me there. She’s coming back now. Over and out.”

Katz put the fresh drinks down and sat next to him, this time closer than before.

Mars said, “You ever think about coming to the D.C. area? Maybe you and me can do some business together.”

“Now that would be wonderful,” she said, flashing him a smile.

“You can use your original partners too, I’m not looking to cut anybody out. If you want me to meet with them, you know vet me and all. I’m cool with that.”

“Yeah, let me think about that.” She cradled her drink. “You know Decker keeps coming back to ask me questions. I think he might believe I had something to do with all this. And I didn’t. I swear.”

“Don’t worry about that. He’s just dotting his i’s and crossing his t’s.”