“Don’t believe that, if Childress has anything to do with it,” said Lancaster.

“He’ll keep. And we need to ‘keep’ our focus on the case.”

“What’s the next move?” asked Lancaster.

“Someone impersonated Susan Richards on the day she disappeared.”

“That’s still not been proven,” pointed out Lancaster. “It’s just speculation.”

“Fine, but speculation or not, we have to follow the theory up.”

Mars said, “Why don’t you two run that down? I’m going to try to connect with Rachel. She left me her cell phone number.”

“We want to be around when you do,” said Decker.

“Okay, but you can’t be hovering over me. I’ll let you know what I set up.”

“We can wire you up again.”

Mars shook his head. “No, I don’t want to chance her finding a wire on me. That will blow everything.”

“Okay,” said Decker reluctantly. “But be careful.”

Mars gave him a thumbs-up as he left them.

Lancaster watched him go. “Don’t worry, Decker. He looks like he can take care of himself.”

“I’d worry less if he were going into a bar fight with five big guys. Melvin would win that battle for sure.”

“Then what are you worried about? He’s not going into a fight with five guys. He’s meeting up withonewoman.”

“That’swhat I’m worried about.”

“So, what are we going to do next?”

“Something you can’t help me with.”

“Why not?”

“Like I said, it has to do with Susan Richards. And what I want to check also involves Rachel Katz. You can’t work that part of the case because of Earl.”

“Earl was Rachel Katz’s alibi for Meryl Hawkins’s murder.Notfor what happened to Richards.”

“But do you think Childress will see it that way?”

“Who gives a shit?” In a bit of gallows humor, she added, “Next year I might not even remember who he is.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I am. But how is Katz involved in Richards’s disappearance and murder?”

“Someone impersonated Richards so Agatha Bates could ID her. And both Rachel Katz and Mitzi Gardiner are the right height and build. From a distance and with a long coat and hat on, they could be mistaken for Susan Richards. Especially by someone whose eyesight isn’t the best, like Bates.”

“You really think that one of them killed Richards and took her place after sticking the woman in that suitcase?”

“Either we prove it is true or we don’t.”

“Who’s first? Katz or Gardiner?”