“It was in the report.”

“Then the report is wrong. It can be, can’t it?”

Decker said, “So you’re saying you didn’t show them the panel?”

“I’m telling you I don’trememberdoing that.”

“Okay. So they might have been searching and found it on their own.”

“I guess.”

“But why would they say that you told them about it?” asked Lancaster.

Gardiner was very pale now. “I…I don’t know. Maybe I did. I might have been helping them look or something. It’s possible. It was a long time ago. And I was not in a good frame of mind. I didn’t remember things very well.”

Decker said, “Understood. Well, thanks for your time.”

He stood. Lancaster quickly did as well, looking surprised that Decker was already done.

“That’s…that’s it?” said Gardiner, looking as surprised as Lancaster.

“For now, yes.” Decker slid the photo of her as a child toward her.

“I told you I didn’t want it.”

“I know. But sometimes people change their minds, don’t they?”

Gardiner made no move to pick up the photo.

Decker said, “We’ll find our own way out.”


As they got into their car Lancaster said, “Okay, I approve of your new ‘subtle’ nature, Decker. But you really closed out the interview fast. I thought it was just getting good.”

“Itwasjust getting good. But you can also push someone too far.”

“She’s scared.”

“Sheisscared. Because she knows more than she’s telling us. And she’s very concerned that someone else will realize that too.”

“Are you saying she might be in danger?”

“Everyone connected with this case might be in danger, including you and me.”

“We’re cops, we signed up for that. Mitzi Gardiner didn’t.”

“Didn’t she?” said Decker as he put the car in drive.