“Man named Karl Stevens. He dealt drugs here. He sold stuff to Mitzi and to Frankie Richards. Decker thinks he might be involved.”

“And he’s dead?”

“He was in prison. We went to see him. He said he knew nothing either. By the time we got back to Burlington the man had a knife in his neck.” Mars picked up his Dewar’s and took a sip. “So, apparently, some people don’t care if folks know anything or not. They just kill them.”

“But how could…I mean, he was in prison. People get killed in prison all the time.”

“You’re right about that. But the thing is, the tats that Stevens had on his arms?”

“What about them?” Katz said in a trembling voice.

“They matched the tats on the guy who shot Sally Brimmer. Decker was really sure about that, and nobody’s memory beats his.”

“And you don’t think that might be a coincidence?”

“Do you?”

Katz sat back and composed herself. “Well, I’m sorry about thisMr. Stevens, but that has nothing to do with me.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”


“Then let’s just get back to this lovely meal.”

Mars finished all of his steak. Katz barely touched her food. She finished her second Dewar’s, though.

As they were leaving, they passed Marks’s table. Duncan Marks put out a hand and gripped Katz’s arm. “Rachel, I thought that was you over there.”

“Hello, Duncan.”

“The place is doing fabulous. Another home run for you.”


Marks looked at Mars. “And I don’t believe I know your friend.”

Mars put out a hand. “Melvin Mars. Nice to meet you, sir.”

They shook hands as the other people at the table stared dully at them.

“Rachel said that was your Maserati out there. Beautiful car.”

“Yes, it is. German engineering and Italian design, a match made in heaven.”

They all laughed.

They walked out of the restaurant and Katz turned to Mars.

He said, “Seems like a nice guy.”

“Yeah, look, um, I know we just had lunch, but can we have dinner tonight?”

“Okay, sure. Where?”

She hesitated. “My place. I can actually cook.”

When he looked uncomfortable, she gripped his arm. “I promise, it won’t be like that. I…I just need to have a home-cooked meal and someone to talk to. And I’d like that someone to be you.”

Mars squeezed her hand and nodded. “Sure, sounds good.”

“Seven okay?”

“I’ll be there. Anything I can bring?”

“Just yourself, Melvin, that will be enough.”